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26th December 2017, 15:46
Ros and Rusty,
I found this YouTube clip of "pom- pom"s firing during WWII
I hope it works!
( Don't blink though, or you'll miss it! It's over in a flash!)
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26th December 2017, 15:47
Hello, Elle!
I wondered where Ebbsfleet is, too!
Maybe on the coast with a name like that?
Yes, that "Winter Fest" is dreadful.
Hope your council takes note and does not allow whoever was in charge, anywhere near the place again!
You are entitled to your opinion regarding "protista".
I had never heard of them.
Flappability is a bit like "kempt".
Only seen with a "un" at the start!
Turning cold here!
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26th December 2017, 15:57
Update, Elle!
Discovered Ebbsfleet is in North-West Kent.
The team were formerly called Gravesend and Northfleet FC.
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26th December 2017, 16:10
Hi, Rusty!
Now I have been doing some investigating....
If I look up "kempt" in my dictionary, it refers me to "kemb"
(of which I have never heard, have you?)
"Kemb" apparently is an obsolete verb (or dialect) meaning "to comb".......and "kempt" is an adjective (from this) meaning "combed; tidy"!
So in days of old, did it go "I kembed my hair, so now I am kempt?
Modern day parlance being "I combed my hair, so now I am tidy?
I like it!
Yes, very cold here, too! I have shut the windows and turned up the heating!

P.S . I have heard of Gravesend!
P.P.S. You might not have seen the reference to the YouTube clip about pom -poms....?
Our posts probably clashed!
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26th December 2017, 16:19
Hello, Elle!
I do not know "kemb".
I "kemb" my hair and have a shave in an attempt to look tidy!
Curry combs are used on horses, though.
Yes, I saw the clip about the pom-poms.
I should have said they were mainly used as naval artillery against attacking aircraft.
But you found them.
Another new word for you?
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26th December 2017, 16:34
Hi, Rusty!
Oh dear, I need to tidy up my desk (in a corner alcove in the lounge ) on which sits my computer and quite an amassed pile of reference books!
I tend to get out a book to check......before believing what I might read on Google!
Yes, "pom -pom" as in guns is a new word for me, only come across since today's crossword.
I knew "pompoms" without the hyphen!
Fluffy balls worn on woolly hats or shaken about by cheer-leaders!
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26th December 2017, 17:14
Hello, Elle!
I'd say your books would often be more accurate than Google.
I knew about the cheerleaders pompoms!
Anti-aircraft fire was usually known as "ack-ack".
Ack was "a" in the British military spelling alphabet.
AA, ACK-ACK, Anti-Aircraft.
I looked up Ebbsfleet.
Apparently they have an International Railway Station.
Not heard of one of those.
It was opened by Dame Kelly Holmes.
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26th December 2017, 17:30
Thanks for the clip on pom-poms elle, thanks
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26th December 2017, 19:30
Hi, Rusty!
Well, I have heard the term "International Railway Station"... without, I am afraid , bothering to inquire just what exactly it is?
I know that there are such stations at St Pancras , Waterloo and, I think, Birmingham?
I had just assumed (in my ignorance) that the Eurostar trains used them en route to Brussels etc?
And that maybe they serve the local airports?
I don't really know?
I shall search on Google when I have the time.
I have met Kelly Holmes, as I have probably told you.... a very pleasant personality!
I'd better go check on should be about ready.....
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26th December 2017, 19:33
Hello Elle and Rusty, and hello Ros

Ebbsfleet is the second railway stop in England coming from
the Tunnel on the Eurostar (ie, Paris - Calais - then under the
Channel - then Ashford, Ebbsfleet and London St. Pancreas)

It's a fantastic way to travel from centre of Paris right up to the
centre of London. And very comfortable!

Has everyone relaxed today?

Ros, have you recovered from your exhausting week-end?

It is +6C here but with very strong Southern wind!
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