Hi, Rusty!
We are home from our walk!
We drove over to Crystal Palace Park.... a bad mistake, as "every man and his dog", plus every child and its skateboard, skates and bicycle was also there!
(Nice, though, to see the park being well used, and the children enjoying their Christmas presents, if not the best dog-walking environment!)
The 'sholach trees' contingent has obviously headed back to Scotland!
The "Winter Fest" is still advertised around the park ...and folk showing up to find it a non event!
Protista are a big group of one-cell organisms bordering animal and plant life.
I was but quibbling at the definition, which I think is poor!
(Just my opinion!)
Now, I checked for "flappability" in my Chambers... which wasn't there.
I have now discovered that "UNflappability" is!
I didn't even know that Bromley has a football team....and wherever is Ebbsfleet?