Hello Rusty and Elle!
I won my bidding!
I have successfully bought a Hudl 2 for....... £37.00 plus £4.80 P&P -
which for France is quite good.
I watched the bidding screen solid for the last 10mns, ready to
intervened at the slightest alert, but I had set a reasonable maximum
bidding (and let eBay do the work) - In the end I had £8 to spare -
my max being £45
Only one thing that I realized about half an hour before the end of the
sale is that the Vendor was not wanting to sell abroad. So I contacted him (in English) and he said that Yes, in this instance
he would send it to France! Whether he thought he was selling
to British people living in France or not, I don't know!
Paying by PayPal is really so easy, and required by most vendors -
It is also much easier for reimbursements in case something is
I should receive it Friday 1st and Tuesday 5th December, so they say.
Rusty, There is no difference between French and UK eBay - whether I go to one or the other, my bids are there.
You might have seen my Hudl - It was at £31 for a while, and it
has something like a white label on the left satying 'Let's go', or
something like that.
Nail biting stuff....... and I reckon it could be addictive!!!!