Hi, Rusty!
I don't think many organisations are "user-friendly" any more.
The biggest drawback is the inability to find a person to whom to speak.
It's all pre - recorded...press this, press that ( turn round three times and say the following incantation....well, it feels like that, anyway! )
I get very annoyed at being told to press this button for that option etc., and half the time there is never a relevant section for one's query!
(I went through too much of this with the HMRC)
I have been bugged all the morning with nuisance calls - ironically asking me if I am getting any troublesome callers........
I wish I were not innately polite.... I should love to tell them where to go.......
I had intended to go out with the dog, but time has beaten me.......
Our friend will be arriving before I would get home again.
At least you can relax now....... and lower your BP!