Hi, Rusty!
We are forecast rain later, again, with strong winds....but so far all is peaceful, with not even a breeze to ruffle the trees.
We have been having some freak rainfalls.......often it will rain in our front street, and be bone dry in the back garden!
(No wonder it takes a long time for our rain barrel to fill!)
We sometimes find that parts of the Sunday Times are missing.
If we buy the paper from Sainsburys, there is no problem, as it all comes wrapped in polythene and so is "complete"...
But if we buy it from the "corner shop", the polythene has always been removed and Supplements might well be missing.
It is necessary to do a 'head count' before paying for one's paper....!
I have made a start on the crossword..........
I hope you enjoy your outing with the girls!