Hello, Elle!
Your dictionary must be wrong, Elle.
In my humble opinion!
Now, I have seen "diapason" before, but had no idea what it meant.
So, when I saw it fitted, I looked up Chambers and it was a fit.
Anne Bradford has it under "stop", too.
Old Herbert Barebum Tree was a very well known actor in the distant past.
He was Oliver Reed's grandfather, too.
"Essene", I recognised, but was not at all sure what it meant.
There are power cuts in Donegal, and one friend in Comber has lost power.
The young ones are terrified the wi-fi will go down!
It is quite windy here but it will get worse in a couple of hours.
Cherry at the loch has Tweeted regrets that the webcam is down and it will be fixed in the future!