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4th April 2017, 13:52
Hi Pigale

I thought they were babies too and was surprised when they started mating!
Maybe the camera makes them look so pale.
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4th April 2017, 13:58
Hi Rossim,

yes, the camera might alter their colour somewhat, but their markings are so different to those of the 'common' owls around here! and the egg seems so small for birds of this size!

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4th April 2017, 14:00
Good afternoon, Rusty!
Oh, that is a shame... I thought that perhaps the opinions of fellow professionals might hold sway.
I do not see why the general public has the right to intervene in such matters?
How can the public's word be proved to be correct?
Surely this is out of order.
Perhaps the "new" law book that was mentioned earlier might lay down ground rules concerning this type of action/ interference?
But well done the guy with the chain-saw!
I was home late for lunch hairdresser is great, and cuts my hair very well....... but she cannot multi-task, and today she had a lot to tell me........
So there was much waving about in the air of scissors and comb whilst she told her stories!!
I am now home though ...and have refuelled on a cup of broccoli and cauliflower soup and a salad sandwich.
I shall now have a go at the crosswords....
How is the 15 x15 today?
Any more "Alices" ?
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4th April 2017, 15:47
Hello, Elle!
I would doubt if the new rule book would cover "tv evidence".
I am against it, anyway.
When Tiger Woods was in his pomp, every shot he played was covered by TV, but he had many opponents who were not on camera.
Not fair, I think.
In the case of Lexi, she was leading the tournament, so all her shots were covered, but those further down the leaderboard, like say, Charley Hull, Lydia Ko, Ha Na Jang, were not, because they were not threatening the lead.
Were their ball replacements all correct?
We do not know, because the cameras were elsewhere, or the TV producer selected mainly shots of Lexi's play.
So, there lies unfairness.
The crossword took me a while.
Setter has me baffled with 1a, I have the answer, but just a vague notion of how it is parsed.
And, I visited the nurse, and she is happy with my BP.
I think my diet of Madeira cake and red grapes is a healthy one!
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4th April 2017, 17:25
Hi, Rusty!
Well, our threatened rain has not yet arrived...but it is now so black overhead that I have had to switch on an electric light to be able to see to type this!
It does look very ominous!
I do not know the answer to the fair governing of golf rules, Rusty...... but to an untutored onlooker ( like me) the status quo appears unfair.....
I hope there is a good comeback for Lexi, if she decides to take this further.
Well done on your successful visit to see your practice nurse!
You are doing well with your BP readings!
I shall not comment on the madeira cake........ but yes, grapes are very good for you!
I think it works that the darker the grape skin, the better the grape is for you.
Thus red or black grapes are better for you than green ones.
The antioxidants in grapes prevent/ slow down many types of cancer and the resveratrol in black (and red, I think?) grapes is good for reducing cholesterol and reducing the risk of heart disease.
This applies to red wine but not to white.
I am sure there are other benefits too........I need to check some facts and do some research..........!
But the upshot is...... yes, go for it - eat plenty of grapes!
Now the crossword......
I haven't finished the 15 x15 ....but strangely enough didn't have a problem with 1a?
I always work through systematically and it was my first one in.
I have : built -up = where speed restricted (def)
anagram of
b - third in (Di)b(den)
Purlieu at
"turning" is the anagram indicator.
Does that make sense?
I need a coffee if I am to finish the rest.......!

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4th April 2017, 18:08
Hello, Elle!
I had a notion there was an anagram there.
But Dibden Purlieu threw me.
I did not know if it was a book of the Bible or the favourite for the Grand National.
I got there though!
I like the black grapes best and nurse said not to go mad with the Madeira.
So, that's fine!
There is a great story about Chi Chi Rodriguez, the golfer, and Art Wall, I think it was. You are not allowed to give or receive advice from another player. Chi Chi and Art were in conversation on the green and the officials were going to penalise them for giving/receiving advice.
"Oh no", said Chi Chi "Not me. I read the greens in Spanish but I putt in English, so how can I give advice to anybody?"
Exit the officials!
There is weightlifting and figure skating on Eurosport tonight if that would appeal to you?
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4th April 2017, 19:14
There's an egg, though I'm not sure if it's intact.
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4th April 2017, 19:26

They've both left the next and it seems to be okay to me. She should lay another in 2-3 days.
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4th April 2017, 19:27
Sorry typo......nest!
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4th April 2017, 19:31
Hi, Rusty!
I like the idea of Dibden Purlieu being a Grand National contender.......!
But it is actually a small village on the edge of the New Forest (in Hampshire)!
And no, I didn't know that, either!
I had to look it up!
I rather think I might give the weightlifting a miss!
Not quite my cup of tea!
Where did that saying come from, do you know?
I still have "15 to1" to watch, which I recorded earlier.
And we haven' t had dinner yet, as I have been talking on the phone to my (younger) daughter.
She and the children are still bug-ridden, although beginning to improve .
Our son-in-law so far has evaded the bug!
So we shall not be meeting up as usual for lunch tomorrow, but I can use the time instead to tidy the house, in readiness for elder daughter and boys arriving on Thursday!
"Every cloud has a silver lining", as the saying goes!
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