Hi, Rusty!
Well, our threatened rain has not yet arrived...but it is now so black overhead that I have had to switch on an electric light to be able to see to type this!
It does look very ominous!
I do not know the answer to the fair governing of golf rules, Rusty...... but to an untutored onlooker ( like me) the status quo appears unfair.....
I hope there is a good comeback for Lexi, if she decides to take this further.
Well done on your successful visit to see your practice nurse!
You are doing well with your BP readings!
I shall not comment on the madeira cake........ but yes, grapes are very good for you!
I think it works that the darker the grape skin, the better the grape is for you.
Thus red or black grapes are better for you than green ones.
The antioxidants in grapes prevent/ slow down many types of cancer and the resveratrol in black (and red, I think?) grapes is good for reducing cholesterol and reducing the risk of heart disease.
This applies to red wine but not to white.
I am sure there are other benefits too........I need to check some facts and do some research..........!
But the upshot is...... yes, go for it - eat plenty of grapes!
Now the crossword......
I haven't finished the 15 x15 ....but strangely enough didn't have a problem with 1a?
I always work through systematically and it was my first one in.
I have : built -up = where speed restricted (def)
anagram of
b - third in (Di)b(den)
Purlieu at
"turning" is the anagram indicator.
Does that make sense?
I need a coffee if I am to finish the rest.......!