You could have just caught them in October.
The murmuration season is roughly from mid October to Feb/March.
Beside me it is usually November to mid/end of January.
It is indeed a wonderful sight, except when they perform over your car!
Hello, Elle!
Right, I understand now about Chris and the car.
Yes, he would need to tow it, or get it uplifted on a lorry.
I am sure it will turn out fine.
A new clutch is a fairly common repair in the motor trade.
Hope you enjoy your lunch with your daughter!
I am being collected at 12, allegedly!
But I surmise getting a text at 5 past 12 from Miss O, "Granddad, I'm running late, be there in 20 minutes!"
That is the usual way of it!
The rest of the young ones are always on time, but Miss O...rarely!