Hi, Rusty!
We had a great walk!
We met up with a friend with his two dogs.......one of his dogs was so pleased to see me that she actually ran from quite a way off to greet me - normally, she just totters along slowly!
It was a heart warming welcome!
I am so pleased to hear that Nichols Canyon won the Stayers' Hurdle!
You must be delighted!
I haven't got into the habit again yet of checking the osprey nest regularly....
I must do so.
I was so excited when my eyes lighted on your saying there was an osprey there.........
Only to read in the next second that it wasn't, after all, one of "ours"!
But it sounds as though Lassie could be here any time now!
I have done quite well so far with the crosswords.......not quite finished the 15 x 15 yet but nearly there....been busy!
Will your son will be coming to see you this evening as usual?
Hello, Pigale!
Wow, your temperature is very high!
Your temp. extremes seem to swing quickly? It doesn't seem long since you were saying it was bitterly cold!
It is warm here...but still coat weather!