Hi, Rusty!
Yes, I think that we have had a reasonable Winter.
Our weather here has been very cold but largely dry and fine.
We have some lovely days!
And no snow , thank goodness!
I was discussing this, though, with my cousin yesterday, and she thought the Winter had been terrible.
She described it as mildish and damp!
I wonder what planet she spent her time on?
I like the idea that I might be feeling tired due to over exercising my brain!
(I wonder if I can cash in on that somehow.....?)
Perhaps if I went to bed earlier, and didn't get up at the crack of dawn , it might help?
I certainly never get more than about five hours sleep.
Generally, though , I am fine .
Now, I found several sets of the complete OED on Amazon?
The cheapest was £665.75 plus £2.80 delivery.
Described as "like new" from ardisbooks.
I have yet to watch 15 to 1, so shall do that now..........more brain exercise!!