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13th March 2017, 08:02
Good day
I am keeping up ( (with the upkeep)
The one problem with Wiki is that contribtions are made by volunteers who include students, dabbblers, (even spammers) so not always reliable. I would prefer to go by Chambers and the like . All of my dictionaries at home say upkeep is solely a noun.
I am off to keep up the upkeep. Have a good day all
12741 of 30765  -   Report This Post


13th March 2017, 08:04
... (deliberate spelling mistake to see if you are awake )
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13th March 2017, 08:15
PS Don't try and burgle my home, or you will have 'him indoors' to contend with plus a ferocious chihuahua
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13th March 2017, 09:43
Good morning, Jazzgirl!
I agree about Tom, Dick, and Harry, contributing to Wiki.
Not ideal, at all, at all!
I found examples of "upkept" but not in a dictionary.
I attempted the OED but could not access it.
Not in my Chambers, either.
I agree "upkeep" is a noun.
But "upkept" to me sounds an acceptable word, which is what Elle was asking.
Anyroad, enjoy keeping up or upkeeping as your day goes on!
12744 of 30765  -   Report This Post


13th March 2017, 09:47
Hi rusty
Just on way out. No forum for me today. Him indoors only checked Chambers and Collins for me.... he said that was enough !
Yes, upkept seems OK to me. Language evolves.
(thought I had better mention the chihuaua... you have moat and piranhas ;)
12745 of 30765  -   Report This Post


13th March 2017, 09:58
And three fine hounds.
Fang, Rosie, and Hector!
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13th March 2017, 09:59
Good morning, Rusty!
What a beautiful day we have here........the sun is shining, the sky is blue...and the temperature is already 14C!
What more could we ask for early March?
Is it nice in your neck of the woods?
I see you and Jazzgirl have already been discussing "upkept"!
What have I started......?!
I found your reference to "upkeep" as a verb in Wikipedia...but cannot find it elsewhere?
I have checked in Chambers; my Concise Oxford; and the online Collins dictionary, but they only give it as a noun.
But I like "upkept"!
I shall see that my "new" garden (when I get it) is upkept to a high standard, even if I have to do the "upkeep" myself!!!
What are you planning for today?

Hi, Jazzy, don't forget Hector, Fang and Rosie........
Have a good day!
12747 of 30765  -   Report This Post


13th March 2017, 11:19
Good day to you, Elle!
Lovely morning here!
I typed "upkept" into Google and went from there.
If it is not in Chambers or Collins we are struggling!
I would like to have a look in the OED but that may not be possible.
I follow MacMillan's dictionary on Twitter so may look there.
I have my painter arriving around lunchtime to see what I am needing painted. That is all my plans.
The afternoon? Who knows.
The tennis players are quite adamant that Sharapova should not get a wild card for the Porsche tournament.
There is an article in The Times headed,
"Brailsford led a culture of fear at British Cycling- Pooley"
Emma Pooley tells it as it is!
She also uses a phrase I have not heard before.
"A fish rots from the head", ?
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13th March 2017, 12:17
Hi, Rusty!
I think Summer is here and has bypassed Spring!
I'm not clear about how this wild card whatsit works?
Is it awarded to someone who is a "favourite", but whose current 'ranking' doesn't merit entry.........say, someone who has been way from the sport (like Maria) ?
Illness yes, I could understand that deserving a wild card ....but I do NOT think that having been banned for drugs, Maria deserves to be given a wild card back into the tennis world.
She needs to work up again to getting the standard qualifications necessary for admittance to a tournament.
No "easy" route should be allowed!
These female cyclists are really coming up trumps and showing guts!
Good for Emma in her fight against BC!
I have heard vaguely the expression about a fish rotting from the head down....
Basically, I think it means it means that if an organisation fails, the man at the top is to blame?
I am well ahead of my game today! All Cleaning and washing is done and dealt with.....
And I have finished both the Times QC and the 15 x15!
I couldn't do 12a and 19a in the latter?
and especially liked 8d; 17d; and 20d!
I shall say no more at this stage, in case you haven't done yours yet.

12749 of 30765  -   Report This Post


13th March 2017, 12:39
Hello, Elle,
That's my painter just away.
He'll be back tomorrow.
I have not looked at the crossword so far.
Both Caroline Wozniacki and Sir Andy have spoken out.
Sharapova's ban is not up until two days after the Porsche tournament starts.
Yes, Emma Pooley is a great lady, one of my favourites.
She speaks her mind, all 5ft 2ins of her!
She is highly intelligent.
Has a PhD in geotechnical engineering, and has an Honorary Doctorate of Civil Law.
She was also a member of the winning team on Christmas University Challenge, representing Trinity Hall, Cambridge.
I think you are right about Emma's fish.
I am off out for a dander, and will tackle the crossword when I return!
12750 of 30765  -   Report This Post