Hi, Rusty!
I think Summer is here and has bypassed Spring!
I'm not clear about how this wild card whatsit works?
Is it awarded to someone who is a "favourite", but whose current 'ranking' doesn't merit entry.........say, someone who has been way from the sport (like Maria) ?
Illness yes, I could understand that deserving a wild card ....but I do NOT think that having been banned for drugs, Maria deserves to be given a wild card back into the tennis world.
She needs to work up again to getting the standard qualifications necessary for admittance to a tournament.
No "easy" route should be allowed!
These female cyclists are really coming up trumps and showing guts!
Good for Emma in her fight against BC!
I have heard vaguely the expression about a fish rotting from the head down....
Basically, I think it means it means that if an organisation fails, the man at the top is to blame?
I am well ahead of my game today! All Cleaning and washing is done and dealt with.....
And I have finished both the Times QC and the 15 x15!
I couldn't do 12a and 19a in the latter?
and especially liked 8d; 17d; and 20d!
I shall say no more at this stage, in case you haven't done yours yet.