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8th March 2017, 22:38
Hi, Rusty!
I hadn't thought about the CAB, although I rather think that our local branch has closed down.
No, I haven't used them either.
But you have put the idea in my head of contacting the free Legal Advice line that comes with Pet Insurance /Car Insurance etc.
Now they I have used before over minor issues, and found it a very helpful service.
You just ring up the main number, tells them the nature of the problem, and they get the 'appropriate' solicitor to ring you back.
I have found it helpful in the past.
Yes, well worth a shot in this instance...........they might have something useful to advise.
Tomorrow though is going to be a "stress free" day!
I am going out to lunch!
Thursday's "Ladies who Lunch" day!
I shall ban all thoughts of taxes from entering my head!
12661 of 30765  -   Report This Post


8th March 2017, 22:47
Hello, Elle!
The Legal Advice line sounds promising!
Go for it!
Will you manage Ladies who Lunch?
What about the traffic problems?
Trains etc OK?
12662 of 30765  -   Report This Post


8th March 2017, 23:11
Hi, Rusty!
I think that the road and pavements will be reopened tomorrow.
We shall find out first thing in the morning when we attempt the drive up there.
What a business it has been!
I have never encountered such bad traffic problems before!
Yes, the trains have been running normally, although access to the station near the incident may have been a bit problematic - both from walking access and from parking difficulties.
I am looking forward to my lunch, so hope there will be no further problems!
12663 of 30765  -   Report This Post


9th March 2017, 06:31
Good Morning, Elle!
Looks like a fine day here!
Hope your day goes to plan.
I am sure the traffic problems will settle down.
I am off out to shop.
Forgot to get milk yesterday!
I can drink black coffee but much prefer it with milk!
12664 of 30765  -   Report This Post


9th March 2017, 09:50
Good morning, Rusty!
A lovely day here - blue sky and sunshine, and feeling quite mild.
Goodness, you were certainly out and about early this morning!
I hope your coffee tasted good after all the effort that went into it!
I am just back from the park...all back to normal, the road and pavements are blockade, no traffic build- up....
A good walk!
I am drinking (black) coffee, eating an apple and a lump of cheddar cheese, and about to print out the crosswords.
I'm not going out until about 11.30ish........
What are your plans for today?
12665 of 30765  -   Report This Post


9th March 2017, 11:08
Hello, Elle!
Busy, busy here!
The joiner sent me up to Screwfix for some bits!
And I am keeping him going with coffee and choc digestives!
Great weather here.
Hope that is Winter gone!
12666 of 30765  -   Report This Post


9th March 2017, 11:34
Hi, Rusty!
You sound to be usefully employed........your joiner is obviously putting you to good use!
I am just away out for lunch.......I am looking forward to it!
Catch up with you later.........
12667 of 30765  -   Report This Post


9th March 2017, 16:31
Good afternoon, Rusty!
Home again!
What a glorious day we have! and so warm!
Yes indeed, let us hope that this is the end of Winter and the coming of an early Spring!
Lunch was good, and the "chat" was even better.
An enjoyable day out.
How did the woodwork go?
Has the joiner finished making your cupboard and shelving?
12668 of 30765  -   Report This Post


9th March 2017, 17:54
Good evening, Elle!
Been a great day here, too!
Yes, my joiner has finished.
I can relax now.
No more chasing me up to Screwfix etc!
So, that's fine.
I have to get my painter now.
He is always busy (a good sign) so I'll be patient.
That is good you had a nice outing.
No crossword for me today.
12669 of 30765  -   Report This Post


9th March 2017, 18:31
Good evening, Rusty!
I am glad that you are pleased with the result.
What will your painter do to the cupboard?
Are you just having it painted?
Or will it be stained?
Now I, on the contrary, managed to fit in both the Times QC and the 15 x15!
I finished both today - parsings and all!
(They must have been easier!)
You will be waiting now on your son coming?
12670 of 30765  -   Report This Post