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30th November 2016, 19:22
Hi, Rusty!
You seem to do well with your deals with suppliers!
Whenever you argue the always come away with a better deal!
I'm afraid I haven't had time to look at the crosswords!
I thought a Pawnee was a Native American?
I don't think I have the energy or the brain power to cope with the 15 x 15 tonight!
I struggle with it at the best of times!
I might have a go at the QC.
My Welly Repair kit arrived this morning! I haven't even opened it yet.
Mr. M is discovering bull-fighting......
11121 of 30765  -   Report This Post


30th November 2016, 19:42
Hello, Elle!
No arguing with suppliers!
I did a bit of homework on rival suppliers deals, and suggested that they better them, in a very friendly manner...and it worked.
Yes, you are right about Pawnee.
Times is wrong....again!
I am looking forward to see how the welly repair kit goes!
In Mr M's "Iberia", a lot of it is to do with bull fighting.
"Iberia" is not a novel.
He spent quite some time going around Spain with a matador and "crew".
There is a word for them, but it has left me.
From the "wee folk" on Barra, to bull fighting!
11122 of 30765  -   Report This Post


30th November 2016, 20:53
Hey, Rusty!
Having scrubbed and thoroughly dried my welly - I had almost forgotten that they were green! - I have now applied the glue!
The kit came with a choice - to use a self- adhesive patch (two were supplied) OR to use the glue by itself.
I have opted for the glue - as shown in the videos on YouTube, and as advised in the accompanying instructions should the area be such as a seam or where a 'bend' might occur in the rubber.
I filled the crack with the glue , then added an additional rim of 5mm glue as told.
Seemingly, it should be "touch -dry" in 2 hours, but must be left for 10 -12 hours before wearing the boot.
My husband insists it won't work!
I think it might! ( the videos were impressive!)
Maybe I should take bets......?
I have put said boot in one of the bedrooms ( it has to lie undisturbed on its side; almost like a surgical operation! ) and I am not going to check on its progress until tomorrow lunchtime!
(If I can be so strong -willed and don't give in to temptation to peek!)
11123 of 30765  -   Report This Post


30th November 2016, 20:56
P.S. Rusty
Do you mean the "toreros" - bullfighters on foot?
11124 of 30765  -   Report This Post


30th November 2016, 21:14
Hello, Elle!
I have a good feeling about your cobbling skills!
Be very interesting to see how it works, and you always have the patch if it does not.
I read somewhere once, that you should buy black wellies rather than green ones. Black ones last longer.
Something to do with the light.
No, not "toreros", the word which drifted off has returned.
It is in Chambers, too.
11125 of 30765  -   Report This Post


30th November 2016, 22:09
Hi, Rusty!
I didn't know that the colour of a wellington made any difference to its longevity?
There are such a variety of colours/ stripes/ and spots these days that that doesn't sound plausible?
(I suspect you of having me on again?)
"Cuadrilla" is a new word for me.
Yes, I have looked it up in Chambers!
It is even in my errant 13th edition!
This week seems to be progressing far too quickly?
Thursday already tomorrow!
I am meeting the "Ladies who Lunch" - except that there will only be two of us, I think!
And Friday is our (forty-fourth!) Wedding Anniversary!
I am hoping we shall go out for dinner!
11126 of 30765  -   Report This Post


30th November 2016, 22:27
Hello, Elle!
Honest! I read somewhere that black wellies last longer.
It is to do with the rays from the sun, apparently.
But it is years since I read it and I do not remember where.
Just possibly in the Trout and Salmon magazine.
I shall ask my son.
I did not know "cuadrilla" until I read "Iberia".
So, you have an anniversary to celebrate.
Very good!
I am happily divorced!
Yes, go out for your dinner.
Fish, chips, and mushy peas, food for the Gods!
My son has just texted,
"Sunlight affects rubber and plastics, but no idea about wellies."
I still think I am right, you know!
11127 of 30765  -   Report This Post


30th November 2016, 23:02
Hello again, Elle.
Just had a thought.
All car tyres are black.
And, a useless bit of info.
Did you know that Nokia started out making wellies before they made mobile phones?
11128 of 30765  -   Report This Post


1st December 2016, 09:46
Good morning , Rusty!
We have yet another lovely day!
Only minus 1 out this morning, so a tad warmer than yesterday!
I am told that it may reach 5C later.
No, I didn't know that Nokia make wellies?
I do not recall having ever seen any?
My Hunters- under-repair have lasted me for four years so far!
I haven't "peaked"...... I shall inspect them later today!
My friend should be arriving within the next half hour......we are out soon after that.
I think she wants to go shopping as was originally planned for last week.
And then, of course, lunch.
What is your weather like today?
Have you been out for your paper?
11129 of 30765  -   Report This Post


1st December 2016, 09:56
Sorry......typo - peeked!
(I am not expecting to rise to unusual heights of wisdom!)
11130 of 30765  -   Report This Post