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27th November 2016, 21:42
Wiki says "he said he was raised a Quaker by an adoptive mother, Mabel Michener, in Doylestown, Bucks County, Pennsylvania"
11071 of 30765  -   Report This Post


27th November 2016, 21:49
Yes, Rusty, I am sure!
James Michener very definitely said that he was a Quaker!
But I am now on Page 85 and cannot find on what page he said this?
I shall browse backwards at leisure later and see if I can pinpoint it.........have a quick look yourself in your copy?
However.... I have Googled it and several sources - including Wikipedia - tell me that Mr. M was brought up as a Quaker by his adoptive mother.
So I don't think there can be any doubt?
Maybe he had a change of heart/ religion later along the way?
I have met Queen Salote again!
I have spoken to my cousin - and "All's Quiet on the North - Western Front"!
11072 of 30765  -   Report This Post


27th November 2016, 21:54
Hi, Rusty,
"Page 6 in my volume!
"As a Quaker I was exempt from actual military service......."
11073 of 30765  -   Report This Post


27th November 2016, 22:03
Right, Jazzgirl!
OK, Elle!
I was having a wee wind up!
I am sure he was displaying good manners by going to Sunday Mass, with his hostesses/landladies, on Barra.
They also took him to visit the little folk out on the bogland.
And in Afghanistan he visited mosques. And why ever not!
I am liking "Tisha". A good tale!
11074 of 30765  -   Report This Post


27th November 2016, 22:13
Hey, Rusty!
You and your "wind-ups"!
You would think that I would learn....!
Anyway, I am pleased that I have found the reference and "justified" myself!
You are obviously well ahead of me in your re-reading of the book.....
Er...."little folk out on the bogland"....????
11075 of 30765  -   Report This Post


27th November 2016, 22:33
Hello, Elle,
"The Little People".
The tradition on Barra is, that when islanders were leaving their homeland, they would walk out to the boglands and ask for blessings from the "wee folk".
The ladies who Mr M was staying with, told of their forebears visiting the "wee folk" for centuries.
Mr M liked Barra!
I think you will like that part of the book when you get there!
I am up to the bit where he has joined the campaign to elect JFK.
11076 of 30765  -   Report This Post


27th November 2016, 22:53
Hi, Rusty!
I shall look forward visiting the "little people" in due course...........
I have just got to the part where he finds the name "Bali-ha'i" in the most inappropriate place.......!
I think when I have finished this autobiography, and when I have also read "Tales of the South Pacific", I shall need to see the musical again.......don't you think?
11077 of 30765  -   Report This Post


28th November 2016, 09:10
Good morning, Elle!
Seems a bit milder up here. No frost today.
Yes, you have your own hawthorn, so the "wee folk" and you should get on fine.
Maybe you should visit Barra, Elle?
I have not seen South Pacific, the musical.
How are you finding the book?
He has crammed a lot into one life!
"Tisha" is a good book, I like Anne Hobbs and her attitudes to life in Alaska.
I am off out, couple of tasks to do!
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28th November 2016, 10:52
Hi, Rusty!
Lovely here - cold, but blue skies and sunshine!
It was a great morning to be out walking!
I haven't achieved very much since getting home from the park.....
My daughter rang and we have been chatting for ages!
I hope you successfully accomplished your tasks?
Now I am not sure which book you are enquiring about?
I am greatly enjoying Mr Ms' autobiography, but haven't started reading "Tales of the South Pacific" yet.
That will be the next on my list!
Remind me about "Tisha"........I have this an autobiography of Anne Hobbs?
11079 of 30765  -   Report This Post


28th November 2016, 11:19
Hello, Elle,
I mean the bio, you are reading, not Tales.
"Tisha" is what the children in Alaska call Anne Hobbs.
"Teacher", they mean.
There is a lot of racism in the book, which I find unsettling, but, Anne will not put up with it.
It is a good read though, and I like Tisha!
My tasks are done, except one.
Good to hear of you chatting to your daughter, Elle.
Family are very important!
Have you ever seen a television programme called "Dad's Army"?
It was a comedy show about the Home Guard.
There was a character in it called "Private Frazer".
He came from Barra.
He described it as "a wild and lonely place!"
I do not think the Barra tourist folk would be too chuffed with Private Frazer!
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