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29th November 2016, 15:48
Hi Rosalind,

I have just noticed your post about agriculture in SE Scotland in 18th Century.
Funnily enough, I am presently doing a comparative study between agriculture and the rural world in general in France and in England around end 18th Century through just after WW2.

I had already done this study in French and this included all the forgotten trades (blacksmith, wheelwright, charcoal burner etc...)
as well as agricultural work. I have bought quite a number of books all second hand (1 penny plus P&P) and am now starting to study them.

It is fascinating and I can already see that Britain was much more advanced than France at the same period.
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29th November 2016, 16:05
Well, Scotland certainly wasn't! I have seen it written that it wouldn't be recognised as agriculture at all today! But from the mid 18th century improvemnets began to be made, for example a better plough was produced and fields created. However, these improvements had the effect of needing fewer men and many thousands left the Lowlands.

Your study sounds very interesting, pigale. I was simply trying to work out why my ancestor might have left Berwickshire for Northumberland and then Sunderland. Conditions on farms and in Sunderland were absoutely disgusting then; but my gt gt grandparents lived to 81 and 103!
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29th November 2016, 16:35
A rather amazing age for those days!

I could see from what I have browsed so far that there probably is a big difference between Scotland and England, and even in England itself, there are differences between North, and South. The Industrial Revolution's knock on effect perhaps?

I think Britain woke up to steam powered machines (threshers etc..) sooner than France, and your three main divisions in the rural population (Titled landowners, Gentlemen Farmers and Farm Labourers) seems to have been a well oiled system that worked very well for all concerned until at least mid 19th century. Of course, we in France also had rich landowning families, but we certainly did not have many titled aristocrats anymore....!
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29th November 2016, 16:48
Hi, Rusty!
Brrrh! It is freezing cold!
I have just come in and I am absolutely perished!
And I wore several layers!
Are you home again from your own walk?
How far afield did you go?
I have done all I am likely to manage with the crossword!
I didn't like today's - I found it a struggle and didn't really appreciate some of the clues even when I "solved" them.
I still have four I cannot do...and three dubious parses.....
But I am wondering if the one with which you took issue may have been 22d?
I would have spelled it as "swOt"?
And to me "sWat" is what I might do to a fly!
However, Chambers gives both spellings and both definitions.
And Anne B says for "swat", see "swot"!
I am not happy!
Is Miss L-B still working at the hospital?
What time do you have to collect her?
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29th November 2016, 16:56
Having chopped off a lot of heads!

The parish my ancestors lived in (Bunkle and Preston) was almost entirely owned by two lairds (the Douglas and Humes, yes, those ones). They had tenant farmers, who employed the labourers. The parish had no medics and no pub!
I have been lucky enough to find a plan of the actual farm (1774) and sketch of the labourer's cottages (1848) before they were pulled down! It is amazing what you can find if you look hard enough.
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29th November 2016, 17:14
Quite, and you are very lucky indeed to have found those plans !
How interesting; One can read descriptions, but to see an actual plan must make it all more real.
Are we talking of David Humes?

You are also lucky to be able to trace your family roots this far back; This too must be a fascinating study.

BTW I read that some 'squires' did not want an alehouse in the village/hamlet for fear of having drunkards in the parish.
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29th November 2016, 17:40
Hello, Elle!
I went on the Nature Trail, but not for too long, as we started to lose the light.
Not very warm here, too.
Where Tisha lived in Alaska, it got to minus 56 degrees.
Yes, "swot" is the the spelling I favour, not "swat".
I did not know they meant the same.
Yes, Miss LB is still at hospital.
She knocks off at 17.00.
No "Treasures" this night, I shall miss it!
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29th November 2016, 19:14
Hi Pigale

I don't think there were even any villages, though there were two churches and small settlements. I don't think the population was big enough to support drinking establishments, nor do I think people had any money, They were mostly paid in kind and had to supply a "bondager" (if you google that you get some funny sites!) to work at harvest to pay the rent on their miserable hovels.
There were bondagers into the twentieth century. Girls from age 14, working 6am-6pm.
Respect! Yes, David Hume lived near there. I read that he got stuck in Billie Mire and the locals left him to it because they thought him ungodly!

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29th November 2016, 19:36
Hi, Rusty!
So is Miss La Bamba safely delivered home then?
It is a good job you were around to go to the rescue!
She would have been especially grateful for a lift in this very cold weather!
No, I didn't realise, either, that "swot" and "swat" were interchangeable!
I somehow do not see myself swatting for an exam whilst swotting away a pesky fly, though!
(I have feeling the same rules apply to "swop" and "swap"?)
You will certainly miss "Treasures" - as will I!
I enjoyed it by remote!
I am puzzled by Mr M's constant references to being an orphan, even though he was adopted?
Did he and his adoptive mother fail to bond?
There has been no mention of a father?
Will I discover more as the story develops?
Of course, he does jump about time-wise, as he did in his historical sagas........
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29th November 2016, 19:55
Hello, Elle!
Oh, I would not let La Bamba down.
She was safe home within minutes of finishing work.
It is less cold here than it was last week.
I think our "swot" for being studious looks much better than "swat".
Think Chambers and Anne Bradford should give themselves a shake!
No "Treasures", but we move on!
It was a fine series, though.
The way I kind of interpreted it was, that Mabel Michener WAS his "real" mother. There seemed to a bit of "strange goings on" though, and I am not so sure about the adoption.
I wondered if "Uncle Arthur" was his Dad? (Have you met Arthur?)
He passed on his love of music to him, and how to make peach ice cream!
Are you not near Barra yet?
11110 of 30765  -   Report This Post