Hi, Rusty!
Brrrh! It is freezing cold!
I have just come in and I am absolutely perished!
And I wore several layers!
Are you home again from your own walk?
How far afield did you go?
I have done all I am likely to manage with the crossword!
I didn't like today's - I found it a struggle and didn't really appreciate some of the clues even when I "solved" them.
I still have four I cannot do...and three dubious parses.....
But I am wondering if the one with which you took issue may have been 22d?
I would have spelled it as "swOt"?
And to me "sWat" is what I might do to a fly!
However, Chambers gives both spellings and both definitions.
And Anne B says for "swat", see "swot"!
I am not happy!
Is Miss L-B still working at the hospital?
What time do you have to collect her?