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25th November 2016, 19:33
Hello, Elle
Plan B!
Eve's rink got beaten by Russia in the semis!
They now play for the bronze.
They had won 9 on the trot, too!
So, I am going a-visiting.
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25th November 2016, 19:34
Hi, Rusty!
All done and dusted!
I have ordered the repair kit!
It should be here within 3 to 4 days.
And I have since watched the video on YouTube!
Goodness gracious me! That guy's wellies were in a dreadful state!
If this "Stormsure" glue will repair those, it should be wonderfully effective for my relatively minor split!!!!!
I am a mite confused though.... he only put on the glue...? and then said they were "mended"
My "official" welly -repair kit will come with two patches?
Same glue? so will I need the patch?
Anyway, I am sure there will be instructions!
I think you should go visit your family tomorrow morning!
You can record the curling!
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25th November 2016, 19:35
We crossed!
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25th November 2016, 21:12
Hey, Rusty!
That is good that you are visiting your son and family in the morning!
They will be pleased to see you!
Remember to make a big fuss of the cat...she is probably feeling confused and upset - and that her nose has been put out of joint by the advent of the pup!
Some love and attention will help!
"Tales of the South Pacific" has finally arrived!
It came whilst I was out today.
This is the one ordered from Julie's books, and I am very pleased with it.
As I told you, I was somewhat disappointed with "Return to Paradise" is the first time that a book from W o B hasn't been in excellent condition.
Only fifty pages to go with "Hawaii"...........
I think, though, that I shall make a coffee, and take a look at the crossword now.
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25th November 2016, 22:08
Hello, Elle!
If the roads are icy I will not be going!
I did not see the cat the last time I was there.
She took off when the pup was there!
That's good about your book has arrived.
My "Tisha" has arrived, too.
Was "Return to Paradise" meant to be "very good" condition?
I tend not to get "acceptable" books, but go for "very good" if possible.
You are almost there with Hawaii!
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25th November 2016, 22:44
Hi, Rusty!
So we shall hope that your roads will not be icy, so that you can go to visit your family!
Yes, "Road to Paradise" and "Tales of the South Pacific " were both described as being in "Very Good" condition.
Mr M's autobiography was "Like New".
As you do, I only order "Very good" and above.
Never mind, it will do the job!
Nyuk Tsin , at one hundred and six years of age, has just been awarded her American Citizenship.......and then sadly died that very night.
Tomorrow, we are going to BB's school Christmas Fair!
Our daughter is running a plate painting stall - but she has no idea, as yet, what that will entail!!
We shall look forward to the day out!
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26th November 2016, 07:55
Good morning, Elle!
Hard frost here, hope the roads are not too bad!
I have finished my crossword already, online.
I hope the Christmas Fair goes well!
Are you sure it is not a "face" painting stall, your daughter is running?
I have not heard of "plate" painting?
But, I am always behind the times, so there may very well be plate painting!
You should have a good time anyway!
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26th November 2016, 10:10
Good morning, Rusty!
A beautiful day here so far!
Blue skies, sunshine......and a frost over the roofs, the pavements, the cars - and the fields!
Good to be out!
A bit slippy in places though.
No, it is definitely "plate" painting that my daughter is doing!
This seems to be a bit of a craze for children at the moment?
There are plate-painting kits advertised on Amazon!
I have two loads of washing to sort out, but I think I need a coffee first......
We do not need to leave here for the Christmas Fair until about 12.30 pm.
I hope your roads are okay for you to get to your son's this morning?
What time are you heading out?
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26th November 2016, 12:39
Hello, Elle!
That pup can nip!
The roads were a bit slippy and not a gritter to be seen!
Quite a few football games off up here, with frozen pitches.
Plate painting is new to me.
Anyway I am home now...
Hope you get on fine at the Fair!
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26th November 2016, 16:59
Good afternoon, Rusty!
We are home again now.
The Fair went well.
There was a minimal admittance charge for adults but all the children were allowed in free.
All proceeds from the stalls and activities went to the school for the benefit of the children.
It was well organised with the emphasis on the children's enjoyment.
My daughter's plate -painting stall was a big success! BB painted a plate that he said was for his mummy for Christmas!
Santa's grotto was a big draw....I took BB there and I thought the Santa was great!
He took a lot of time and effort with the children.
There was no rushing them along....and all the children got a present which was around the cost of entrance to the grotto.
So good value - definitely not a "rip off"!
Good to see!
Very cold here....
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