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23rd November 2016, 13:55
Hello, Elle!
"Pants" means "awful" or rubbish.
Look in Chambers?
"Amp" for amplifier is a well known term and is in Chambers as such.
Yes, your "larva" clue looks odd? Typo?
Treasures is good.
I am at half way,
1, A musical score in Handel's own handwriting, including his corrections.
2, I liked this.
A drawing by Leonardo da Vinci of a new musical instrument. It included "mini-drawings" and written instructions. The instructions were in "mirror writing".
Da Vanci wrote left-handed and backwards!
Mighty impressive!
3, Old Tudor maps.
Alison is a very keen sailor, especially with her father.
These were maps Henry V111 wanted made in case of invasion. They were of the Dorset coastline including Poole and were super. The beaches were emphasised as landings could be made there, and the cliffs de-emphasised, as it was very unlikely to be landings there.
I liked these maps a lot!
Off for a dander, now,
10971 of 30765  -   Report This Post


23rd November 2016, 14:55
Hi, Ros!
Good Lord, whatever is happening to the English language?
I was going to say "What balderdash! " but perhaps I should say "What pants!"?
The only bit of Rupert Brook I know is from "The Soldier" ..............
"If I should die, think only this of me;
That there's some corner of a foreign field
That is for ever England..........................."

10972 of 30765  -   Report This Post


23rd November 2016, 15:12
That's one of my least favourite poems by RB, elle! 6 uses of England or Englsh in one sonnet of 14 lines. Plus he seems to claim Heaven as English. I wonder if he would have written the same thing had he actually seen/done any fighting?

I have already written what is to be sung/played at my funeral. I have chosen (among others) a few lines from Brooke's "The Great Lover". I thought it would be rather a good joke-

"I have been so great a lover: filled my days
So proudly with the splendour of Love's praise"

after some more of this tosh, we get to the heart of the matter-

"These I have loved:
White plates and cups, clean-gleaming
Ringed with blue lines; and feathery, faery dust;
Wet roofs beneath the lamp-light.....
Rainbows; and the blue bitter smoke of wood"

I know "Grantchester" by heart. You must know the last two lines, elle
"Stands the Church clock at ten to three?
And is there honey still for tea?"
10973 of 30765  -   Report This Post


23rd November 2016, 15:30
Hi, Ros!
I wondered where you were going then with that poem about "The Great Lover"...........
Honey for tea always reminds of Pooh Bear!
Which reminds me, my elder daughter "borrowed" my Pooh Bear collection of stories .........
10974 of 30765  -   Report This Post


23rd November 2016, 15:32
Hi, Rusty!
The same thing has just happened to me as it did to you yesterday!
I typed out a reply, clicked to send it - and the entire "epistle" disappeared"!
Now...can I remember what I wanted to say.....?
Did you enjoy your walk?
How far afield did you go?
We have not been out this afternoon - the weather is appalling!
I took advantage of a 'window' to play ball with the dog in the garden, so we have both had some (muddy) exercise!!
Yes, I looked up "pants" in Chambers "!
I am shocked by what would at one time have been described as a "misuse" of the English Language!
Pants" meaning "rubbish"!
Whatever next?
(Now why would I know that?)
"Treasures" is certainly an informative programme.
I hope it comes back next year!
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23rd November 2016, 15:32
That's the idea, elle. I can see everyone thinking "What on earth????" and then getting the stuff about plates and dust!!
Have to get your Pooh books back. Piglet is my favourite character.
10976 of 30765  -   Report This Post


23rd November 2016, 16:19
I have been out most of the day, but just looked in to see if you had reported on the "Treasures"
I do so wish I had SkyArts.
Was there any mention of Brownsea Island (Poole Harbour) ?
My 11th Great Grandfather (born c1545) was enlisted to fight at Brownsea in 1574. Henry Viii had a fort built on the island to protect Poole Harbour from invasion by the French and Spanish.
I have some very old maps of Poole, but none as old as 16th century.
10977 of 30765  -   Report This Post


23rd November 2016, 17:07
Hello, Jazzgirl,
I actually made the link between you, sailing, and Dorset/Poole when watching the programme!
They may have mentioned the island.
They mentioned a bay twice, but I did not catch the name.
I shall watch that part tomorrow (and take notes!) and let you know.
Yes, it is a pity you do not have the channel.
It, to me, at any rate, is an excellent programme.
Far too good to NOT be on BBC 2 or C4 for everyone to see.
And Alison Balsom is a very nice lady indeed!
At the start of the programme she was playing an ancient trumpet.
It had no valves!
10978 of 30765  -   Report This Post


23rd November 2016, 17:15
Hi rusty
Thank you for offering to view again.
It may be that BBC will be able to show the programme at some future date.
I couldn't get one note (or even a noise) out of a trumpet, but my husband played trumpet, cornet and tuba at various times in different bands.
10979 of 30765  -   Report This Post


23rd November 2016, 17:20
PS It may have been just Poole Bay that was mentioned.
Poole Bay stretches from Sandbanks as far as Hengistbury Head, if you can find a map
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