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22nd November 2016, 11:53
Definitely Belafonte!
10951 of 30765  -   Report This Post


22nd November 2016, 14:01
Good afternoon, Rusty!
How was your lunch?
Where did you go?
I have been listening to Harry Belafonte singing "Scarlet Ribbons" on YouTube!
Our sun did not last long. and it has been pouring down with rain yet again.......but at the moment we are experiencing bright sunshine and I can even see a hint of blue sky.
Now is it enough "to make a sailor a pair of trousers", I wonder?
Do you have that expression up your way?
I think we shall risk it......I shall call the dog!
Back in a while.......
10952 of 30765  -   Report This Post


22nd November 2016, 14:37
Good afternoon, Elle!
Never heard of a "sailor who could be doing with a pair of trousers."
Doubt if it is in use up here.
We went to Pine Cone.
Was very nice.
Miss O had minestrone and I had a bacon roll and a j2o.
They are doing a good trade selling large bags of logs.
Lucky are those who have a log fire!
Yes, Harry B is superb!
Yes, I see down South getting very inclement weather.
Just helluva cold up here.
I am about to look for Luisa Tetrazzini on YouTube!
10953 of 30765  -   Report This Post


22nd November 2016, 16:59
Hi, Rusty!
I am glad that you had a good time with your granddaughter.
I expect the Pine Cone is especially popular with the approach of Christmas?
You have never heard of the expression "Enough blue sky to make a sailor a pair of trousers"?
I am surprised!
I grew up with its being said regularly!
It means that if there is enough blue sky to make the requisite pair of trousers, then the day will remain fine!
( And this afternoon, for a little while, there was.........and it did !)
Wet again now, though........
Did you find - and listen to - Luisa Tetrazzini?
10954 of 30765  -   Report This Post


22nd November 2016, 19:18
Hello, Elle!
Never heard the "sailor" tale before!
Seems wild in places down there.
Just been reading that the Stena ship from Rosslare could not dock at Fishguard due to the storm, so it lay out to sea all night.
We had a fine time at Pine Cone.
Not too busy. just fine.
I found a video of Luisa.
She was listening to a record of Enrico Caruso and suddenly joined in!
Very powerful voice, but I'll stick to Emmylou, I think!
More to my taste.
Now, I have to find out what young Henry is up to!
10955 of 30765  -   Report This Post


22nd November 2016, 20:22
Hi, Rusty!
Well, next time your weather is uncertain and you think it might for a patch of blue sky.......assess its size for making a pair of pants for a sailor......and see if the "old wives' tale" works!
Actually, funnily enough , it always does seem to be a reasonable indication!
Yes, I heard about the ferry boat on the must have been pretty scary for the hundred passengers being stuck out there all night in the storm.
Guess what?
The autobiography of James Michener has arrived!
It is a hard impeccable doesn't even look to have been opened, let alone read.
I am very pleased with it.
I still have a further 250 pages of "Hawaii" to read yet though........
Any news on Henry?
10956 of 30765  -   Report This Post


22nd November 2016, 20:42
Hello, Elle!
That is good news about your book!
Impeccable nick, eh? From World of Books, was it?
Mine is in great condition as well.
Are you allowing yourself a peek at the photos?
Henry, as far as I can make out, is still not walking out with anyone.
His mother is the only one who knows the identity of his "girl".
He was performing in Rugby, and Wigan, in the last few days.
Yes, an uncomfortable night at sea.
I have been on the Belfast-Stranraer Stena ship and when it hits rough water it is quite alarming.
10957 of 30765  -   Report This Post


22nd November 2016, 21:12
HI, Rusty!
No, my book this time came from SNayler books.
I haven't used this company before, but am very pleased with the quality of this particular book.
The photographs are simply a collection gathered together, in the middle of the book, so yes, I have sneaked a look at them!
I don't think I would have done so, though, had they been relevant to certain sections of the book and were arraigned alongside a specific passage - as that would have been cheating, don't you think?
But as it is......!
I didn't finish today's 15 x 15 - I gave up after completing about a third......
Was it me, or was it harder than usual today?
Or maybe my brain was more sluggish!
I still have "Scarlet Ribbons" going through my improvement on the earlier "Kickin' up the Leaves" from this morning though.
10958 of 30765  -   Report This Post


22nd November 2016, 22:06
Hello, Elle!
So, you will have seen the pic of Aggie Grey!
A fine looking lady!
I finished the crossword this morning and it was trickyish.
One answer was "animalcules" which was new to me.
If you struggle with it, Elle, put you it away for a while, and when you return, the answers often jump out at you.
"Scarlet Ribbons" is a nice song to have in your head.
Mine is empty just now, but "Goodnight, Irene" is never far away!
10959 of 30765  -   Report This Post


22nd November 2016, 23:05
Hi, Rusty!
Yes, I have seen the photograph of Aggie Grey!
She does not look as I expected her to do!
For some reason - I suppose because Blood Mary had been modelled upon her - and I have the image as the character appeared in the film , in my head - I expected a more buxom lady!
I, too, have never heard of "animalcules" - I 'm assuming this is the answer to the "amoebas" clue? I couldn't do that one!
No, the puzzle was too difficult for me today. I concede defeat!
I am tired ...and about to go to bed!
G'night! Talk tomorrow.
10960 of 30765  -   Report This Post