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20th November 2016, 22:05
Hi, Rusty!
Just after I finished texting you, my phone buzzed with a text message from my cousin!
She is unexpectedly staying over at her daughter's, so all is well!
( I think I tend to panic!)
No, Mr Jingles hasn't put in another appearance since disappearing behind the bookshelves.
Maybe there is a mouse hole behind there?
The shelves are far too heavy to if there is a hole, Mr J will have to come and go as he pleases!
Maybe the cat will alert us next time!
China town has just burnt down!
Nyuk Tsin has plans to claim maximum compensation from the American government, and buy up as much land as she can.
A very brave and determined woman!
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20th November 2016, 23:20
Hello, Elle,
Good that your cousin has contacted you.
I think you showed normal concern as you had not heard from her.
Quite normal, I think.
Is all OK at her daughter's?
Yes, maybe Mr Jingles has found a new home with you?
In the film, they used between 15 and 30 mouses to play the part of Mr Jingles.
Speaking of mouses, I wonder how Mousehole in Cornwall came by its name?
Any idea?
I vaguely remember Nyuk Tsin.
Clay Basket, and Elly Zahm, on the other hand...!
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21st November 2016, 09:23
Good morning, Elle!
Fairly Baltic up here!
Very cold (think it is below freezing) but a beautiful day.
Good old ASDA had all their paths cleared and gritted!
Good to see.
I am going out again soon (well wrapped up) for annual eye check up.
Remember Mr Jingle's breakfast!
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21st November 2016, 10:49
Good morning, Rusty!
We are still having rain - and it is forecast right through till tomorrow afternoon, barring the odd hour here and there!
I'll trade you for the cold and dry!
But what are your pavements like underfoot?
Your eye check seems to have come around quickly? It doesn't seem like a year since your last visit?
I hope all was well?
Do you need to change your reading glasses?
We haven't seen Mr. Jingle since his surprise visit during the storm!
Maybe all this rain will cause him to pop in again!
Speaking of which.......
I do know about Mousehole, as it happens......
There is a large cave several hundred yards along the coast from the village, and it is said that this gave rise to the name "Mouse Hole " .
Mousehole is pronounced "Mowzel", did you know that?
My daughter has just phoned me - YB has gone off happily to his first full day of nursery...she can phone in later to get an ongoing report!
Yes, Elly still comes top on my list!
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21st November 2016, 12:35
Hello, Elle!
It really is cold here.
I do not think you would like it!
My optician had minus 4 on her phone.
Pavements are slippy.
My eyecheck last year found an anomaly with my peripheral vision, so I had to return three months later for another check.
Today, I never missed a light.
Optician is very happy. Me too!
I knew Mousehole was pronounced differently than you would think.
YB will be fine!
I have just voted for Dame Sarah in the sports Action Woman contest for 2016.
It was her or Rachel Atherton for me.
Young Charley Hull has won the golf in USA.
Very pleased for her!
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21st November 2016, 13:53
Good afternoon, Rusty!
Wow, Rusty, minus 4C really is cold!
Maybe I will stick with my 'warm and wet' , after all!
It is still raining here!
My daughter has phoned nursery and then rung me!
YB is indeed fine - eating his lunch and playing happily.
I think right now might be sleep time?
That is good that all went well with your eye tests this time.
I find the peripheral vision test rather is difficult to remain looking straight ahead, isn't it?
I find myself sneakily wanting to look sideways in case a light is "escaping" me - even though I know full well that it my peripheral vision that is being tested!
Our extra tests were all fine , too, when we went for our eye checks recently.
We also had the backs of our eyes Xrayed - they said that this is a recently introduced test - did you have that, too?
I have done the Times QC and the Times 15 x15.
Barring two clues in the latter......24a and 27a.
I am still stuck on those........
Yes, I think Dame Sarah deserves your vote!
10926 of 30765  -   Report This Post


21st November 2016, 14:49
Hello, Elle!
Minus 4 sure is cold!
YB has cracked it. He will enjoy his new buddies etc!
Peripheral testing.
I agree that it is/was taxing, but...
Today at my test, they had a newer state of the art machine.
It is a lot quicker. Maybe one minute per eye.
And no multiple lights.
I did not miss any!
I have had the back of the eyes photographed, but nobody mentioned x-rays?
According to my optometrist I have normal ageing/wear and tear, in my eyes, so she and me are content.
24, There was a famous flag raising ceremony there, and at least two films made of the battle!
27, You are looking for a word to follow "video", which you can find in Chambers. Street is "st" remember.
Yes, Dame Sarah did well at Olympics, and...she is a very nice lady!
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21st November 2016, 16:14
Hi, Rusty!
You are quite correct - yes, photographed (not xrayed!) is what I meant, and should have said!
Digital retinal photography - that is it - taking a photograph of one's retina.
I stand corrected!
But the peripheral vision test I had didn't show one light at a time, they were coming fast and furious in all directions?
And I had to press as I saw each flash of light?
All was well anyway!
Now, the crossword......
Re 27: I have never heard of a "video nasty" thought I had "nasty" wrong" !
I didn't think to check in Chambers - I just ruled it out!
Sorry, I still cannot do no 24?
I think you are going to have to give me the answer.....and explain it to me very carefully!
BB goes to After School Club today...he will be there now.
I hope he is enjoying it - he liked the "testing day" last week!
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21st November 2016, 16:27
Hello, Elle!
The machine they used on me last year showed up to 4 lights at a time.
This new one does not.
One light, and it is over quickly.
They say it is much better.
They get less "false positives" etc
Last chance at 24!
Female that withholds name is "woma(n)"
Judge is often "j".
John Wayne starred in the first film.
First word in the film is "Sands"
Now, that is a lot of help!!!
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21st November 2016, 16:29
And it is in your Bradford's !!!
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