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15th November 2016, 21:25
Hi, Rusty!
Now I am really becoming I remember whom well - Jeremiah Wheelbarrow's alter ego?.....or Bob Marley?!
I cannot keep up with the speed with which your mind skips about!
I think your poet is Benjamin Zephaniah?
(I only know this because I have just Goggled the programme!)
You can tell me all about him tomorrow!
Now, number two confusion.........doesn't your son and family already have a dog? or is that your other son?
Baby - sorry - YB is going for his second "settling in" day at his new nursery on Thursday.
The last day was a big success - he was popped down on the floor ...and off he crawled immediately to play with something that caught his eye!
I don't think my daughter need worry about him!
BB has had a trial run at After School Club and likes that - so all is set for the big return to work next week!
A new phone?
Have you any ideas what you would like?

Hello, Ros!
You must have misheard the question on Eggheads......
it was "Eleanor of PROVENCE was Queen of England in the 13th century as the wife of which monarch?"
The answer was "Henry III"

( Not Eleanor of Aquitane and Henry II )
10821 of 30765  -   Report This Post


15th November 2016, 21:29
Thanks elle, I have had a horrible day andI guess I just wasn't concentrating properly
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15th November 2016, 21:38
Hello, Elle!
I am sure I heard Benjamin Zephaniah say "fink" for "think.
Saw him on YouTube.
Yes, I remember Bob Marley well, too.
Yes, this is a different son.
They had no dog until today.
No, YB, seems to be fine, I am sure.
Yes, I am staying with Samsung, but with a newer model.
Samsung make fine phones, with good cameras on them.
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15th November 2016, 22:27
Hi, Rusty!
Well, I do get confused sometimes!
I knew one son had a dog, and the other a cat...(I think?)....but got muddled as to which was which!
I am sure the family will enjoy their new puppy!
The missionaries are trying hard to deal with the problem of incest among their would -be converts.
As I understand it the main reason for the 'incest' is the production of a "pure- bred, royal" heir to the throne?
I rather think Abner has a fight on his hands....Malama doesn't seem inclined to bow to his principles.
It is an unusual story...very different from the other two books I have read?
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16th November 2016, 08:04
Good morning, Elle,
Fine day here.
Apparently the new puppy snores when she sleeps!
I vaguely remember Hawaii.
Long time since I read it.
I know the royal family were huge. Some over 7 feet tall.
I remember skipping over the bits about incestious weddings etc.
Gave me an uncomfortable feeling.
But, it happened....
This seems to be a record day for "kitchen" posts!
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16th November 2016, 10:09
Good morning, Rusty!
A lovely day here, too, although it must have rained overnight because the ground is very muddy.
I brought a disgustingly filthy dog home!
It sounds as though the new pup had a good settled night in her new home, as they could hear her snoring!
What does the cat make of her?
Are they getting on well?
My dog and cat are firm friends.
Yes, the incestuous element in "Hawaii" is a tad disturbing, but I accept it as part of the situation.
The royal participants thought they were preserving the regal blood line.
I can follow the logic if not condoning the action!
A "free" day today!
How about you?
Did you go out for your paper?
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16th November 2016, 11:14
Hello, Elle!
Yes, I am home from ASDA. Got my paper.
Well, when the new pup arrived home, the cat took one look and disappeared upstairs!
She never appeared when I was there, and she normally jumps on me.
She has sharp claws, as my trousers can testify to.
I'll text later to see the state of play with them.
My daughter-in-law had a fitful sleep due to the pup snoring!
Pup has to sleep in their room to begin with, seemingly.
Your word, "incestuous", looks better than my attempt at the word!
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16th November 2016, 12:19
Hi, Rusty!
Uhmm...... well, for what it is our house, the cat is allowed upstairs to sleep with us; the dog sleeps downstairs in her basket!
This incidentally gives the cat a respite/ refuge should he need it, from the dog.
We have always done this....with both dogs and various cats...... but very often , the dog and the cat will end up sharing the dog basket!
So long as the cat ends up "top dog" and "rules the roost" , all should be well!
Goodness, what a mixed bag of metaphors!
I did the Times QC returning now to have a go at the 15 x 15!
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16th November 2016, 13:07
Hello, Elle!
That is interesting about your family pets!
The pup will sleep downstairs in time, but not at present.
I don't really know why!
I have watched the first part of Benjamin Zephaniah's choice.
He is a very nice lad, indeed, so he is.
Has great dreadlocks!
His first pick was "Rebels".
Robert Kett, in particular.
He went to Norfolk and saw this wonderful oak tree where the people gathered. Tree is 750 years old.
And in the library saw the written demands of the people and Kett.
I had not heard of Kett's Rebellion and the poor man was hanged at Norwich Castle.
2, Maps.
Benjamin loves maps and wondered about the folk who created them. They showed him an ancient Chinese map which was made in Korea.
3. Women's Football.
Benjamin sponsors a team of women who play in Birmingham.
He went to the Library in, I think, Boston Spa, Yorkshire.
An amazing place with more than 20 miles of shelving.
There he discovered that at one time women's football was more popular than the men's game!
But, in 1921, the FA more or less banned it.
Women's bodies could not cope with the game, or some such hoo-ha!
I'll watch the rest later.
It really is a very fascinating programme!
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16th November 2016, 14:53
Good afternoon, Rusty!
Your "Treaures" programme sounds really interesting.
It is intriguing, each week, to see what "relics" each celebrity personality chooses from the library's archives.
Norwich Castle is a very imposing building.
I have seen it from afar, but have never been inside to visit either the museum or the art gallery housed there.
We have always had the dog with us whenever we have been in the vicinity on holiday, and so were unable to enter the Castle building.
I didn't know all that about women's football!
Now I have just received a BBC newsflash about the Croydon tram crash.......
Investigators have found that the tram was travelling at 43.5 mph in a 12 mph zone.
Three and a half times the speed limit!
In the interim report produced, it has been said that there was no evidence of any track defects, or obstructions on the track.
There was also no malfunction of the braking system.
It does sound as if down to the human element......
Investigations are still ongoing.
I am now about to take out the dog...........the sun is still shining!
10830 of 30765  -   Report This Post