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17th November 2016, 10:26
Good morning, Rusty!
It is dank here!
( I love that word - so very descriptive!)
Indeed, much colder than yesterday.
Back to normal!
Now, I have heard of Schiehallion.......
Wasn't it involved in an18th century experiment to estimate the mass of the Earth? (possible because of the mountain's regular cone like shape? I'm sure that had something to do with it?)
Yes, I do agree with you about walking by water!
We often go through the woods, over to the fields, and walk by the (local) river.
But best of all, I love walking by the sea!
In Suffolk, I have walked many miles by the sea!
I like the sea both when it creeps quietly in, and also when it crashes onto the shore.
Rough days are good!
Your grandson is doing the right thing in making a fuss of the cat! She probably feels her nose has been put out of joint!
I am sure that with a lot of love and attention, the cat and the dog will settle down into perfect amity!
Do you have any plans for today?
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17th November 2016, 11:16
Hello, Elle!
Yes, some very clever lad did that.
There is a big plaque at the foot of the mountain explaining what he did. I forget his name.
Schiehallion means "Fairy Hill of the Caledonians".
I may have told you this before?
I like birdsong, too, when walking.
Actually, (you may think I am mad, many do) I have CD's playing birdsong and mountain stream noises, at home.
Also surf and waves crashing!
Just sounds of nature, no music.
No plans.
I drove down to see how the flat is getting on but got stuck behind a bin lorry and could not near it.
Turns out there is nobody there just now, anyway, so I am glad I met the bin lorry!
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17th November 2016, 11:38
Hi, Rusty!
No, I don't think you told me the meaning of Schiehallion - I think I might have remembered the translation had I heard it before?
"Fairy Hill of the Caledonians" sounds most romantic!
But it could well have been you who told me about "weighing the world"?
I definitely remembered acquiring that titbit of knowledge!
Is the flat far from you then, if you needed to take the car?
Or is it just uphill, as is your elder son's house?
Miss ATW should have a flat-warming party, where everyone comes in working gear to help decorate!
I remember doing that, back in the days when I was flat - sharing with friends .
It actually worked extraordinarily well!
Anyway, reminiscences over ...........
I meant to mention yesterday's crossword.........
The answer "swan-upping" (to 5d) put me in mind of Doglet's explaining to us about swan-upping on the Thames....
Do you remember that?
I might look into would be good to go and see, if one were allowed.
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17th November 2016, 12:07
The public are allowed to watch the swan-upping, on the Thames. I have photos from years back when we used to go down to Shepperton Lock to see them start their journey.
10844 of 30765  -   Report This Post


17th November 2016, 12:25
Hi, Jazzgirl.
Thank you. that is good to hear. I shall look into it .

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17th November 2016, 13:30
Hello, Elle!
Just watched "Auction".
The Modigliani painting of his wife fetched £24 millions.
And King Charles 1 gamesboard realised £500,000.
Apparently the King took several items to the scaffold with him and distributed them when he got there.
I think a bishop got the gamesboard.
The flat is about 2 miles from me, all uphill.
Yes, I remember swan-upping, but this will be the wrong time of year for it, surely?
Just watched a pursuit race from Ghent between Wiggins and Cancellara.
A win for Fabian!
Not looked at the crossword yet.
10846 of 30765  -   Report This Post


17th November 2016, 14:00
hi rusty
Swan Upping is always in July.
Shepperton is only few mins. drive from me.
Back to the garden......
10847 of 30765  -   Report This Post


17th November 2016, 14:32
Ah, thank you, Jazzgirl!
I thought November was a bit late in the year for swan-upping!
I've heard of Shepperton.
Hope you have good weather for gardening.
Smashing day here.
10848 of 30765  -   Report This Post


17th November 2016, 14:40
It might have been me that mentioned the Schiehallion experiment, elle. It was Neville Maskelyne who did it (Harrison's main rival for the "longtitude" prize). experiment
I remember it as I climbed in snow, following a faster-moving friend. He kept stopping on the "summit" for me to catch up; 5 or 6 of them were "false summits", surprising on a conical mountain!
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17th November 2016, 14:45
hi rusty
I am now indoors, as the rain has started but earlier the sun was glorious. You are lucky with your weather today
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