Hi, Rusty!
Well, she didn't have 'imposter' tattooed on her forehead, so I let her in....so I did!
How come you haven't done your crossword today? So two to do tomorrow - or do you let it go by default?
I'm back receiving the (free) screen prints from my friend, but I rather miss having to buy the paper as I did all last week when he was away, as then I get to do the 15x15 cryptic xword as well!
And yes, I know, I could buy the paper anyway.....I just begrudge paying for it, when I already get two of the crosswords free!
Re Macbeth... I looked up potential books on Amazon. Three are one or two that look possible but it's hard to assess how accurate they will be. Maybe read the comments and see what you think? You will be difficult to please as you have such exacting standards.
Yes, in some instances I do enjoy reading historical accounts, but I like a human interest story behind it!
I'm going to order my Lyn MacD books from Amazon tomorrow.
Just heard from our daughter to say that she is back safely from Berlin. We'll catch up tomorrow - she's just about to put the young one to bed now.