Hi, Rusty!
We have just arrived home, having collected the dog en route.
She was very excited to see us, although I am sure she has had a great time with my friend.
The Hallowe'en "do" was very good!
It was held at a small farm, local to my daughter, and it was very well organised .
All the children dressed up appropriately as some Hallowe'en character be it person, animal or insect.
There was a Hunt to find a ghost, a spider, a bat, a black cat etc., etc.
These were not literal but pictures to be compared on a chart which the child stamped off when found.
On return of the chart to "base", the children were awarded a lollipop!
Good , clean, fun!
(Well, maybe not all that "clean"..... it was on a farm after all!.... but everyone was instructed to wash their hands afterwards!)
Yes, I've met John Smith in the previous chapter - Voyage Two.
But you have confused me?
You wonder how historically accurately he is portrayed?
I thought all the characters were fictitious?
Have I misunderstood that?
Or is it only some people who are "not real"?
I think I need a little clarification here, please?
I haven't looked at the crossword yet!