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7th November 2014, 16:31
Hints on clue answer for 7d - look back in this thread
9a - rubber is defn made up of 4 leetr word for delayed + 1 letter (by)
12a think cluedo
19a jumper - easter
21a think grass for the "cut" bit, reverse it, then add the outskirts of bristles.

Sorry if I misunderstand, but if you already have all these answers you can easily work out the cypher for each clue by seeing what letter changes into what letter and working from there.
Sorry can't remember how many ciphers there were, I threw my workings away. I printed out a sheet of alphabets and worked from there.
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7th November 2014, 19:06
Has anyone managed to submit their solution?

I was able to print off the crossword (from another computer) on Monday, but am now unable to access it from my laptop. I've lowered the security rating for Java, but it's not working. I'm just being told that Java needs permission to run the plug in. I emailed the Guardian on Wednesday but have had no reply. It's beyond frustrating.
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7th November 2014, 19:35
I managed (I think) to submit mine cmk...but I had to "whitelist" the Guardian site first....I don't really understand this type of stuff but I followed the instructions at the attached link posted by syzygy on an earlier thread.

It's at the bit headed "Running Applets"
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7th November 2014, 20:14
Thanks Ixion. I'll give that a try, but I think I'll wait till I'm a bit more alert tomorrow, so I'll report back then. :)
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7th November 2014, 21:04
On my computer i had to go...

Java-configure java-security-exception site list, then add
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7th November 2014, 22:30
I did exactly as ixion did ( had email on Monday from techie at the Guardian advising same). It didn't seem to do any good but then the next morning everything was back to normaI and I was able to submit (possibly from rebooting)
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8th November 2014, 04:29
Many thanks to everybody - I was on the right track but did not glean from the instructions that there was more than one cypher - I assumed, therefore, that my uncyphered answers which did not make real words when cyphered were wrong - when they had to be right; this caused me a big headache.

In any event, as a last resort for checking the cyphered answers, go to This will confirm that your your cyphers are correct - it is not much of a cheat as you have to have the solutions in order to check that the cyphers are correct but will sort out any silly errors (I made plenty).

Good puzzle after all that - for me the instructions could have been slightly clearer but, self-doubt apart, I suppose it became pretty obvious pretty early on that there was more than one cypher involved... See you all next month.
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8th November 2014, 10:32
hi all -on the last few - got all but 22d of the ciphered solutions . made a Lotus spreadsheet for all the ciphers.
would appreciate hints on-- 1a ??SA?N , 1d ??S?S?S,
2d Maybe STANCHION - not sure,
22d S?T?? got a good precipher but no cipher
27a T???E?Y

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8th November 2014, 13:43
22d you need a german city, then lose the I (Italy)
1a alight 0 get off is the defn (no on fire). 6 letter synonym for stop with R(end of taper ) inside
2d usual 2 letter abbrev for Turkey, defn = practice
27a anagram of 1st 2
1d argue is the defn. 3 letter synonym for hell + 4 letter synonym for damn
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8th November 2014, 15:52
Success at last! Thanks to Ixion for the advice (and Sudokulover for the confirmation). I've now managed to submit my solution.

I hope it means never having to faff about again to get the Genius and Azed, or is that too optimistic?
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