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4th November 2014, 10:44
I have 14d now, still pondering the other 2!
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4th November 2014, 10:52
6D definition is "holes".
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4th November 2014, 10:54
1a is a normal clue, defn "get off" rather than "on fire"

6d also normal, defn part is "holes"

If you already have crossing answers entered with these clues you will have to encipher some of them...answers to 1a and 6d should indicate the change applied consistently to the entire word.
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4th November 2014, 11:02
Thanks ixion , now got 1a, didn't help having 4d incorrect!
Back to the drawing board!
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4th November 2014, 11:05
I'm halfway through but not enjoying this, as the cluing seems so joyless. I'm missing a sense of fun, but maybe that's just me.

I get the cipher but meh, basically.
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4th November 2014, 12:13
I've got about three quarters of this puzzle completed, but I still can't get to the bottom of this encoding business. The instructions say that the cipher is named in the completed (presumably encoded) grid, which isn't much help to those who can't complete the grid because they don't know what the key to the coding is. Can anybody offer me a (fairly straightforward) hint, please?
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4th November 2014, 12:19
possibly to do with 5d - if you have 5a,10a,11a only one word fits ??
I'm working on that!
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4th November 2014, 12:39
Could I please have some hints for 3d, 8d 27a?
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4th November 2014, 13:34
27a is an anagram. 8d definition is pens. 6d definition holes - as given above ...
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4th November 2014, 13:45
Martin, see post #3

Whoever asked about 8d, it's not a colour you'd immediately think of. Wedding anniversary, recently fashionable colour and ex-living organism.

Have now finished all the normal clues and half the encoded ones, and am still not enjoying it so am giving up. Don't know why, but I really didn't click with this one.
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