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4th November 2014, 14:05
Thanks prospero - had that answer for 27a yesterday as a possible but dismissed it thinking it wasn't a real word!! Should have checked in Chambers! Similarly with 8d but didn't realise it was a synonym for pens! Think I need to be more assertive/confident! Onwards..
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4th November 2014, 15:43
Thank you for the tip, Livs: veni, vidi, but not quite vici, yet.
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4th November 2014, 15:51
Hint to Martin...

The actual name of the cipher isn't necessary to complete the grid...the answers which require encoding should become apparent as they will clash with ones that don't...say for example 3D requires to be encoded(it does) and 1A is normal(it is), the change required to the first letter of 3D to agree with 1A should be applied to all of the letters to give the encoded answer.
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4th November 2014, 16:51
Thank you, Ixion. I shall battle (Ixi)on.
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4th November 2014, 17:18
I have most of the grid (and have worked out the ciphering) but just need 4 of the 12 if anyone can give hints please for 21a, 19a, 26a, 7d
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4th November 2014, 17:21
Got 7d now by working backwards from the only answer
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4th November 2014, 17:26
Similarly 21a made a guess at 1 of 5 and worked back again. Nearly there! Not been easy!
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4th November 2014, 17:43
19A has a tennis connection (not Tracy)
26A Dble defn, encoded has a connection to 13A straight
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4th November 2014, 17:48
All complete now.
Thanks ixion - they agree with what i've deduced!
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4th November 2014, 18:22
I have a name (of an honourable man) reading downwards in the middle column of the grid. Is this name to be used as a cipher?
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