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10th October 2014, 09:22

What about 'painstaking' for a GGGreat ending??
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10th October 2014, 16:42
no matter how hard i try I cannot vome up with an answer to no 72 can any one help me with this as it is my last one to solve( i hope)
192 of 216  -   Report This Post


10th October 2014, 18:27
Anagram of A SAIL gives you ailsa
work from there
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10th October 2014, 18:29
Well done maieve re 36.
I was surprised there was no 'use' of another clue which there normally is - but I've never wbeen very good at square roots!
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13th October 2014, 17:06
thank you nonplussed all finished now
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13th October 2014, 18:50
While I was looking for #17, which I've now found, I came across an anagram for merry + search - cream sherry. I'm taking this as an encouragement to pour a glass to help with my last three, which everyone else seems to have got: #9 (have looked for synonyms of painstaking and words starting with st followed by synonym of passenger, without success, #24 and #35.
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13th October 2014, 20:26
Hi calliewag
9. The answer is another word for a road
24. A city of 3 letters is in the middle of the answer
35, .An anagram of 4 words in the clue gives you the answer of 2 words both beginning with G
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13th October 2014, 22:18
Thank you, Anotheray. I'd been thinking about books for 35, but although I know of the work I've never read it so didn't recognise the reference. And have found 9 thanks to Bradford. Will give some thought to the last one tomorrow when my brain's in gear.
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13th October 2014, 22:25
Got it!! counted my answers and realised what it had to end in, and light finally dawned.Thanks again.
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2nd November 2014, 14:42
Appreciate any clues for the following:-

26) Church Times is ordered by scientist (7)
28) Maybe leap to defence, initially, of the young creature (7)
32) Vehicle for thespian after tour, disheartened (7)
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