While I was looking for #17, which I've now found, I came across an anagram for merry + search - cream sherry. I'm taking this as an encouragement to pour a glass to help with my last three, which everyone else seems to have got: #9 (have looked for synonyms of painstaking and words starting with st followed by synonym of passenger, without success, #24 and #35.
Hi calliewag
9. The answer is another word for a road
24. A city of 3 letters is in the middle of the answer
35, .An anagram of 4 words in the clue gives you the answer of 2 words both beginning with G
Thank you, Anotheray. I'd been thinking about books for 35, but although I know of the work I've never read it so didn't recognise the reference. And have found 9 thanks to Bradford. Will give some thought to the last one tomorrow when my brain's in gear.
26) Church Times is ordered by scientist (7)
28) Maybe leap to defence, initially, of the young creature (7)
32) Vehicle for thespian after tour, disheartened (7)