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9th October 2014, 01:17
46 is the wrong one then.....My friend had worked that out and told me how so she was wrong. She thought seedling...seed for birds and ling for plant. I didn't think it was correct at the time. Will sort that one out then I should have equal G and T. 1.15 am, good job I don't need much sleep!
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9th October 2014, 11:27
Hi Anotheray
Please explain your reasoning for 36. Where do you get the first four letters from? 'Get to' surely does not mean that. I know your answer is a root vegetable but I just cannot figure it out.
I have checked in Chambers and there is no entry for 'get to'.
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9th October 2014, 11:49
Thanks for clearing up the wrong number of letters with the literary giants!
Do you think that Time Trial is correct for the cycling event?
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9th October 2014, 12:13
My reasoning for 36 is simply if you turn IP you get PI however, you've got me thinking again.
Root doesn't necessarily relate to Square root
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9th October 2014, 12:49
I've got 2 left - 1 starting with a T and 1 with a G
21 and 73

Any hints would be much appreciated.
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lady bee

9th October 2014, 13:02
You're left with two quite easy ones.

21. Nursery rhyme/story character usually found with 3 bears

73. anagram of two winters - the answer just seems to jump out. That last bit is not a clue just an observation.
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9th October 2014, 13:14
Thanks ladybee.
Might have been easy for you, but not for me. But obvious when you know the answer.

Very pleased not to have to re-think as I've got my G2&Ts correct (but could still be some errors in there somewhere!)
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9th October 2014, 13:39
Thank you for your explanation, but I am still not convinced. According to Chambers root in maths means 'the factor of a quantity which, taken so many times, produces that quantity'. Pi = 16 therefore the root is 4 and that clue is 'water ice'. I rest my case.
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9th October 2014, 14:35

I think your explanation is far too complicated - for me anyway!
I'm quite happy with the former England manager, and, rightly or wrongly have the correct numbers of G's and T's.
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9th October 2014, 14:53
OK - I give in. The football manager it is. That way I have 25 of everything. Thank you so much!
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