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9th October 2014, 17:37
I have been out all day and have only just come on to the forum.
36 is still proving bothersome. Please don't be despondant maeve - my observation is that the clue does not say 'square' root - only 'root'
I must say I favour the 'root veg' simply 'turn' PI and it is there.
I think your way is very ingenious but rather complicated for this quiz. I spent most of last night trying to find an ending with G answer that could be wrong, with no success.
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9th October 2014, 19:10 too, am sticking with the veg. Completely stuck on 46, thinking plant as in stuff on building sites, birds being cranes....also thinking I should put the quiz to one side for a couple of days but that is my last one so any hints please to put me out of my misery. Then comes the copying it out before posting it off...last two quizzes I lost points because of being careless writing answers, very annoying.
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9th October 2014, 19:19
Hi twinsnan. re 46 you really are trying too hard.
This ..'is' dropped = th
Now add 6 letter word for plants and the whole answer is the name of a bird ( though plural ofcourse)
Good Luck
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9th October 2014, 19:35
anotheray, marmalade and winnie
re 36 - having accepted that it is the root veg, I still wanted to figure it out. Don't underestimate Neville, he is very very smart.
This is one of his triple whammies. P is the 16th letter of our alphabet. I is the 9th. The 'root' of 169 is 13. The clue for 13 is Turnover.
I'm sorry to be so pedantic, but I have been doing this quiz for many years and am used to Neville's little tricks.
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9th October 2014, 19:47
I know what you mean Maeve, this is my 16th year doing them and there have always been very clever questions but never such complicated answers.
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9th October 2014, 19:48
That is very very good maeve - I think that means we are ALL happy now!
You are not pedantic - try tenacious !
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9th October 2014, 19:51
How many times have I done that Winnie, tried to be too clever when the very simple answer is staring me in the face! Over and out for a while at least, will leave it till the weekend and then start counting and checking. Thanks friends for all the tips.
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9th October 2014, 21:34
This quiz has been fantastic. Quite a few clues were relatively easy, the next made me really think and the final few were just so challenging. What a brain that man must have! Hear from you all again in 6 months, although I could do with some help in actually finding the site!!
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9th October 2014, 21:43
Tenacious - it begins with a T
Good night folks
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9th October 2014, 21:45
that was meant to be in answer to winnies post
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