Don't dismiss your idea of the noisy vehicle. I used that as my answer and have now finished the quiz with the correct number of G,s and T,s. If I can help any more , Twinsnan, let me know
Maeves solution to No.33 is far too complex, even for a rainbow quiz.
I do "get it" but I'm sure the answer is the Graham Taylor one that I have.
Best of luck everyone, I will look in from time to time
Hi anotheray. I don't understand your post. You say maeve gave a clue for 33, infact it was for 36. Did you mean 36 in which case where does Graham Taylor come into it please?
Winnie Graham Taylor was England football manager in the 90s, useless actually. His nickname was the veg we thought was the answer head T..... head. Still not sure, my head is spinning. Numbers not adding up.
Thanks marmalade......just need to make final decision on 36 but which ever one I go for the letter is the same so have to find out why my numbers don't match.