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9th October 2014, 19:47
I know what you mean Maeve, this is my 16th year doing them and there have always been very clever questions but never such complicated answers.
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9th October 2014, 19:48
That is very very good maeve - I think that means we are ALL happy now!
You are not pedantic - try tenacious !
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9th October 2014, 19:51
How many times have I done that Winnie, tried to be too clever when the very simple answer is staring me in the face! Over and out for a while at least, will leave it till the weekend and then start counting and checking. Thanks friends for all the tips.
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9th October 2014, 21:34
This quiz has been fantastic. Quite a few clues were relatively easy, the next made me really think and the final few were just so challenging. What a brain that man must have! Hear from you all again in 6 months, although I could do with some help in actually finding the site!!
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9th October 2014, 21:43
Tenacious - it begins with a T
Good night folks
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9th October 2014, 21:45
that was meant to be in answer to winnies post
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10th October 2014, 09:22

What about 'painstaking' for a GGGreat ending??
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10th October 2014, 16:42
no matter how hard i try I cannot vome up with an answer to no 72 can any one help me with this as it is my last one to solve( i hope)
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10th October 2014, 18:27
Anagram of A SAIL gives you ailsa
work from there
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10th October 2014, 18:29
Well done maieve re 36.
I was surprised there was no 'use' of another clue which there normally is - but I've never wbeen very good at square roots!
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