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10423 Results

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Lemmus Trimucronatus
  1. of northwestern Canada and Alaska
Liomys Irroratus
  1. large pocket mouse of Mexico
Lagostomus Maximus
  1. gregarious burrowing rodent larger than the chinchillas
Litocranius Walleri
  1. slender east African antelope with slim neck and backward-curving horns
Lama Peruana
  1. used in the Andes as a beast of burden and source of wool; considered a domesticated variety of the guanaco
Lama Guanicoe
  1. wild llama
Lama Pacos
  1. domesticated llama with long silky fleece; believed to be a domesticated variety of the guanaco
Lutra Canadensis
  1. sociable aquatic animal widely distributed along streams and lake borders in North America
Lutra Lutra
  1. otter found in Europe and Asia
Leontocebus Rosalia
  1. golden South American monkey with long soft hair forming a mane