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Lynx Caracal
  1. of deserts of northern Africa and southern Asia
Lasiurus Borealis
  1. North American brick or rusty red bat with hairs tipped with white
Leptinotarsa Decemlineata
  1. black-and-yellow beetle that feeds in adult and larval stages on potato leaves; originally of eastern Rocky Mountains; now worldwide
Locusta Migratoria
  1. Old World locust that travels in vast swarms stripping large areas of vegetation
Lygus Lineolaris
  1. widespread plant and fruit pest
Liposcelis Divinatorius
  1. minute wingless psocopterous insects injurious to books and papers
Lepisma Saccharina
  1. silver-gray wingless insect found in houses feeding on book bindings and starched clothing
Limenitis Camilla
  1. Eurasian butterfly with brown wings and white markings
Limenitis Arthemis
  1. North American butterfly with blue-black wings crossed by a broad white band
Limenitis Astyanax
  1. similar to the banded purple but with red spots on underwing surfaces