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Limenitis Archippus
  1. showy American butterfly resembling the monarch but smaller
Lycaena Hypophlaeas
  1. common copper butterfly of central and eastern North America
Lymantria Dispar
  1. European moth introduced into North America; a serious pest of shade trees
Loxostege Similalis
  1. moth whose larvae are garden webworms
  2. a variety of webworm
Lepus Europaeus
  1. large hare introduced in North America; does not turn white in winter
Lepus Townsendi
  1. largest hare of northern plains and western mountains of United States; brownish-gray in summer and pale gray in winter; tail nearly always all white
Lepus Californicus
  1. the common jackrabbit of grasslands and open areas of western United States; has large black-tipped ears and black streak on the tail
Lepus Arcticus
  1. a large Arctic hare of North America; almost completely white in winter
Lepus Americanus
  1. large large-footed North American hare; white in winter
Lemmus Lemmus
  1. notable for mass migrations even into the sea where many drown