
Matching Words

10423 Results

Below are the words that matched your query...

Lepidocybium Flavobrunneum
  1. large snake mackerel with rings like spectacles around its eyes
Luvarus Imperialis
  1. large silvery fish found worldwide in warm seas but nowhere common; resembles a whale and feeds on plankton
Lobotes Surinamensis
  1. tripletail found from Cape Cod to northern South America
Lobotes Pacificus
  1. tripletail found in the Pacific
Lepisosteus Osseus
  1. primitive predaceous North American fish covered with hard scales and having long jaws with needle-like teeth
Liparis Liparis
  1. small tadpole-shaped cold-water fishes with pelvic fins forming a sucker; related to lumpfish
Lactophrys Quadricornis
  1. trunkfish having hornlike spines over the eyes
Limanda Ferruginea
  1. American flounder having a yellowish tail
Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds
  1. street name for lysergic acid diethylamide
Lord's Table
  1. the table in Christian churches where communion is given