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10423 Results

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Leptoptilus Dubius
  1. large Indian stork with a military gait
Leptoptilus Crumeniferus
  1. large African black-and-white carrion-eating stork; downy under-wing feathers are used to trim garments
Limnocryptes Minima
  1. a small short-billed Old World snipe
Limnodromus Griseus
  1. a dowitcher with a gray back
Limnodromus Scolopaceus
  1. a dowitcher with a red breast
Limosa Haemastica
  1. New World godwit
Lobipes Lobatus
  1. breeds in arctic regions of Old and New worlds; large flocks often seen far out at sea
Larus Canus
  1. the common gull of Eurasia and northeastern North America
Larus Marinus
  1. white gull having a black back and wings
Larus Argentatus
  1. large gull of the northern hemisphere