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times24520. 2 pat 26th April 2010, 15:40
» by pat.
times.24520. 6 pat 26th April 2010, 15:27
» by pat
DM 26.4 3 marilyn 26th April 2010, 15:17
» by marilyn
TIMES 24520 2 magmac 26th April 2010, 14:14
» by magmac
MOS 1434 3 annie 26th April 2010, 14:02
» by annie
MOS 1434 2 dorothyb 26th April 2010, 13:54
» by dorothyb
wee stinker 4 teenieleek 26th April 2010, 13:30
» by teenieleek
FT 13,369 2 silly boy 26th April 2010, 13:28
» by silly boy
wee stinker 5 bigred 26th April 2010, 13:12
» by flummoxed
MOS 1,175 8 rabbit 26th April 2010, 12:57
» by maggie
SoS Crossword 1129 6 georgeg 26th April 2010, 10:54
» by ajt
Everyman 3317 8 johnj 26th April 2010, 10:41
» by esme
Record Sat 24th last clue 4 mattie2 26th April 2010, 10:41
» by mattie2
Wee Stinker 9 jaybee 26th April 2010, 10:23
» by jaybee
Along the south coast of england 5 jaybe 26th April 2010, 09:11
» by jaybe
Times Saturday 2 charlie boy 26th April 2010, 09:11
» by sudokulover
Times2 868 - One needed 2 benjy 26th April 2010, 09:01
» by benjy
Daily Record £500 crossword 3 supergran 26th April 2010, 08:51
» by supergran
AZED 1977 3 felicity 26th April 2010, 08:33
» by felicity
DT 26,223 1 richard 26th April 2010, 08:33
» by ajt
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