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ST4377 4 dermot 22nd April 2010, 08:27
» by dermot
Crossword by Rosebud 3 rte guide 21st April 2010, 22:50
» by ajt
Daily Record - The Big One 20/04 4 andrew 21st April 2010, 21:15
» by andrew
Tuesday record 6 babs 21st April 2010, 20:56
» by babs
SoS Spectrum 1128, 21A and 23D 3 richard 21st April 2010, 17:24
» by richard
mos lancelot crossword 4 krisstoff 21st April 2010, 17:10
» by krisstoff.
mos lancelot crossword 3 krisstoff 21st April 2010, 16:01
» by ajt
MoS Mag. C/W No; 1176 2 rufina stephenson 21st April 2010, 16:00
» by krisstoff
DM 21.4 cryptic 5 marilyn 21st April 2010, 12:08
» by kookaburra
Sat Daily record 5 joe 90 21st April 2010, 10:34
» by joe 90
Cryptic 6 n rengaswamy 21st April 2010, 10:13
» by n rengaswamy
Private Eye 415 5ac 2 tony 21st April 2010, 10:00
» by tony
cryptic clues 2 tracey 21st April 2010, 08:16
» by silly boy
Tues Daily Record 4 millie 21st April 2010, 00:54
» by ixion
times cryptic crossword number 24516 Tuesday 2 sallyw 20th April 2010, 21:29
» by sallyw
last ones promise 4 laura 20th April 2010, 21:20
» by terry
All in good time 15 lizzyminto 20th April 2010, 21:18
» by lizzyminto
local newspaper cryptic 3 laura 20th April 2010, 21:11
» by ixion
local newspaper cryptic 2 laura 20th April 2010, 21:08
» by ixion
daily record big one 20/4 3 pat burton 20th April 2010, 19:36
» by babs
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