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Famous yorkshire person 5 geert 29th April 2010, 15:51
» by geert
lifestyle last clue any ideas 2 liam 29th April 2010, 14:51
» by liam
Quiz Break Four 2 geert 29th April 2010, 14:42
» by helena
Mail crossword No. 13,700 4 chumley 29th April 2010, 14:18
» by chumley
Last Answer Needed! 1 paul 29th April 2010, 12:20
» by jo
Tricky again! 1 jo 29th April 2010, 12:19
» by the real jo
Tricky 1 jo 29th April 2010, 12:18
» by the real jo
Last answer required 8 jimmy 29th April 2010, 10:36
» by harrhy
RTE Guide No. 18 - 1 2 & 4 down 5 cazzy 29th April 2010, 10:34
» by cazzy
I SPY QUIZ 4 popsickle 29th April 2010, 10:26
» by ixion
Tue Fun Day 8 joe 90 29th April 2010, 09:59
» by joe90
quiz break 4 quiz in aid of recover cancer support 6 gloria 29th April 2010, 02:24
» by dizzy
Local cryptic 9 tonta 29th April 2010, 02:00
» by desunii
a bit lost 2 hayden 29th April 2010, 01:41
» by lucifer sam
times ju7mbo 868 2 tigerinthezoo 28th April 2010, 21:49
» by tigerinthezoo
times2 crossword no 868 3 gilly 28th April 2010, 21:10
» by gilly
Last answer required 2 jimmy 28th April 2010, 20:42
» by jimmy
Past & present confectionery 4 bigfoot 28th April 2010, 19:43
» by bigfoot
Daily Mail answers where the logic escapes me 5 pooksahib 28th April 2010, 19:20
» by pooksahib
Azed 1978 2 maryjane 28th April 2010, 14:03
» by maryjane
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