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daily record sat 1/5/10 2 emma 1st May 2010, 16:49
» by emma
daily record sat 1/5/10 2 emma 1st May 2010, 16:48
» by emma
Film Titles 7 billie 1st May 2010, 16:12
» by wendy
crime series 1 squizball 1st May 2010, 15:43
» by alan bucklet
loca rag 1 lulu 1st May 2010, 15:34
» by ixion
DT 26,229 16dn, 28ac 2 gordonbennet 1st May 2010, 15:28
» by peak
Ditloids 3 chuckle 1st May 2010, 14:42
» by gill
Found in the bakery or a dessert 5 twelvetree 1st May 2010, 13:43
» by sandy
Herald GK crossword 5 jaybee 1st May 2010, 12:47
» by jaybee
the sun 6 stu 1st May 2010, 12:33
» by stu
Times 24501 2 val 1st May 2010, 11:44
» by chrisg
RTE Guide C/W No: 18 6 clues thanks for the help folks 3 rufina stephenson 1st May 2010, 08:31
» by chrisg
canberra times cryptic 4 poppy 1st May 2010, 07:06
» by kringle
Scotish landmark 1 bob 1st May 2010, 02:09
» by jack
Cryptic - local paper 6 lucy 30th April 2010, 23:03
» by lolly
D. Express Ditloid 4 mostyn 30th April 2010, 19:10
» by helena
Mail Friday 9 suki 30th April 2010, 17:28
» by suki
film titles including girls names 10 york girl 30th April 2010, 17:28
» by stevie
times cryptic 3 val 30th April 2010, 16:55
» by ajh
Saga Magazine - May 2010 4 john (from arran) 30th April 2010, 15:32
» by john (from arran)
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