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times crossword 24526 4 kay 3rd May 2010, 01:35
» by kay
Local cryptic 3 tonta 3rd May 2010, 00:37
» by tonta
DT 26,229 25 across Help 2 tony 3rd May 2010, 00:31
» by tony
times 24526. 12 jay 2nd May 2010, 23:11
» by lolly
times 24526 3 ron. 2nd May 2010, 23:07
» by ron
Times Jumbo 869 Cryptic 5 bluemoon2 2nd May 2010, 22:55
» by bluemoon2
Times cryptic 869 3 gwladys 2nd May 2010, 22:45
» by gwladys
tel 26229. 3 kim 2nd May 2010, 22:21
» by kim
Indoor or outdoor games 10 danny 2nd May 2010, 21:52
» by helena
anyone know this please 2 lolly 2nd May 2010, 21:45
» by lolly
Daily Record Crossword 5 donna 2nd May 2010, 21:36
» by lucifer sam
NIPSA union magazine crossword 2 luckyone 2nd May 2010, 21:31
» by luckyone
DT26229 6d 4 treborn 2nd May 2010, 20:54
» by vicky
SWEPost Cryptic Crossword 14 claire 2nd May 2010, 20:51
» by claire
cryptic 869 11 janice 2nd May 2010, 20:09
» by epipnoia
times2 xword no 869 7 rob 2nd May 2010, 20:05
» by epipnoia
Well Connected Quiz 4 geert 2nd May 2010, 19:29
» by terry
Everyman 2 May 9 esme 2nd May 2010, 19:28
» by epipnoia
D/T "Toughie" 346 7 carrots (on holiday) 2nd May 2010, 18:46
» by carrots
mos prize crossword 4 sue 2nd May 2010, 17:26
» by sandy
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