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helena you beauty 0 tess 23rd June 2010, 22:14
» by tess
what jelly? 0 tess 23rd June 2010, 21:44
» by tess
Times jumbo cryptic 876 3 viva voce 23rd June 2010, 20:51
» by trevor
Times 3 val 23rd June 2010, 20:38
» by mamya
Daily Mail 5 megan 23rd June 2010, 20:36
» by ixion
songs from musicals stage shows or films 0 jelly 23rd June 2010, 20:24
» by jelly
Guardian 25,044 explanation sought 3 kemlo 23rd June 2010, 17:29
» by kemlo
RTE Guide Crossword No 26 3 toastcake 23rd June 2010, 17:15
» by sammi
World war 2 17 jerry 23rd June 2010, 17:03
» by winston
Daily Mail Cryptic 14D 3 paul h 23rd June 2010, 15:22
» by paul h
D.Mail 2 suki 23rd June 2010, 14:44
» by suki
D.Mail 2 geedee 23rd June 2010, 14:00
» by geedee
Private Eye crossword 1 nical 23rd June 2010, 12:33
» by ixion
times cryptic 24571 6 sallyw 23rd June 2010, 12:09
» by helena
I have a request... 1 magpie 23rd June 2010, 11:49
» by sallyw
doggs 0 jay 23rd June 2010, 11:34
» by jay
Tuesday Dailly Record 3 tam 23rd June 2010, 11:26
» by tam
DM 23.6 5 marilyn 23rd June 2010, 10:47
» by marilyn
HELP - AGAIN 2 lorna 23rd June 2010, 01:55
» by trevor
sat record 3 lucifer sam 23rd June 2010, 01:21
» by lucifer sam
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