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Daily Mail Quick Crossword 2 pablo 25th June 2010, 15:59
» by pablo
D. Mail 5 suki 25th June 2010, 13:37
» by suki
times cryptic 24573 2 sallyw 25th June 2010, 13:30
» by sallyw
Daily Mail answers where the logic escapes me 4 pooksahib 25th June 2010, 12:58
» by mistley
d.mail 7 geedee 25th June 2010, 07:19
» by geedee
local cryptic 1 dan 25th June 2010, 00:57
» by ixion
Number Series 9 elizabeth 25th June 2010, 00:55
» by mamya
Spectator 1970 - File servers 39 k 24th June 2010, 23:26
» by ajt
Cryptic - local paper 5 mia 24th June 2010, 23:23
» by mia
Cryptic Question 4 toots 24th June 2010, 22:53
» by toots
was it toots? 1 tess 24th June 2010, 22:43
» by toots
link word 5 nightingale 24th June 2010, 20:43
» by puzzled
Ev 920 7 laura 24th June 2010, 20:38
» by new boy
6 letter link words 8 patrick 24th June 2010, 20:34
» by trevor
Cryptic - local paper 4 lucy 24th June 2010, 19:56
» by trevor
answers contain a colour 6 dairybox 24th June 2010, 18:04
» by kemlo
times cryptic 24572 9 sallyw 24th June 2010, 17:57
» by sallyw
Fruit & veg 7 bigfoot 24th June 2010, 17:01
» by bigfoot
Rainbow Containers Results 8 mamya 24th June 2010, 16:15
» by mamya
colours 7 chuckle 24th June 2010, 15:25
» by chuckle
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