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Yorkshire Post Cryptic 2 paul 26th June 2010, 13:37
» by ixion
Stuck!!! 2 kemlo 26th June 2010, 13:27
» by big dave
stressed 2 wendy 26th June 2010, 12:02
» by wendy
Telegraph 26th 5 bernie 26th June 2010, 10:56
» by bernie
Telegraph Cryptic 26277 3 manxman 26th June 2010, 09:56
» by manxman
Confused- help please! 1 christopher 26th June 2010, 09:29
» by christopher
Ditloid Quiz - 1 to go 1 the boy tippex 26th June 2010, 07:26
» by craig
Clue of the week - The Week 703 2 craig 26th June 2010, 06:23
» by craig
odd one out 1 billie 26th June 2010, 01:03
» by the boy tippex
maths & logic 4 billie 26th June 2010, 00:46
» by billie
Cryptic Puzzle 6 richard 25th June 2010, 23:30
» by richard
RTE Guide C/W No; 26 1 rufina 25th June 2010, 23:16
» by sammi
D. Mail 4 val 25th June 2010, 22:21
» by crypto
get a life ajt 0 tess 25th June 2010, 22:09
» by tess
local cryptic 6 stephen 25th June 2010, 21:57
» by stephen
science 4 sara 25th June 2010, 18:01
» by trevor
Stinker 2 old tom 25th June 2010, 17:40
» by old tom
P for Pairs 0 beesure 25th June 2010, 16:44
» by beesure
Daily Mail 8 megan 25th June 2010, 16:41
» by mamya
Times cryptic jumbo 876 last clue 4 viva voce 25th June 2010, 16:31
» by trevor
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