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guardian 12,527 Monday 2 alison 7th July 2010, 20:38
» by alison
Times2Wednesday 5 machloop 7th July 2010, 19:55
» by machloop
associated with books 9 billie 7th July 2010, 19:39
» by billie
Times Cryptic 8 chris 7th July 2010, 18:53
» by jimc
cryptic, local paper 5 sam 7th July 2010, 17:58
» by sam
TIMES JUMBO CRYPTIC 878 3 iamkloot76 7th July 2010, 17:45
» by iamkloot76
Answers are foodstuffs 19 chuckle 7th July 2010, 16:59
» by jaybe
sunday times 4388 4 jane 7th July 2010, 15:56
» by sudokulover
Mephisto 2601 17 problem chimp 7th July 2010, 14:53
» by ajt
times cryptic 24583 3 sallyw 7th July 2010, 13:37
» by sallyw
Sports and games 3 purplebird 7th July 2010, 13:12
» by crypto
times cryptic 24583 4 sallyw 7th July 2010, 12:57
» by sallyw
no thank you for me bigfoot? 8 tess 7th July 2010, 12:51
» by sallyw
trees 2 marge 7th July 2010, 11:53
» by marge
saga crossword july 1 dan h 7th July 2010, 11:45
» by jim
cw 6 roam 7th July 2010, 09:51
» by scooby doo
Azed 1988 2 xwordman 7th July 2010, 08:51
» by xwordman
TYTYTYTYTYTTY 0 tess 6th July 2010, 23:55
» by tess
TERRY TERRY 0 tess 6th July 2010, 23:43
» by tess
oh terry terry i will talk to you 1 tess 6th July 2010, 23:34
» by terry
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