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Mephisto 2602 2 dandelion 11th July 2010, 19:12
» by dandelion
Book Titles and Authors 7 veronica 11th July 2010, 19:07
» by veronica
dead end lines 0 jenny 11th July 2010, 18:59
» by jenny
everyman 3328 3 caroljenks 11th July 2010, 18:53
» by caroljenks
Private Eye 421 5 stratz 11th July 2010, 18:52
» by stratz
SAT DAILY RECORD 2 aa 11th July 2010, 18:51
» by aa
Times Jumbo 879 7 annie 11th July 2010, 18:11
» by annie
Sat - Daily Record 5 treble 11th July 2010, 17:21
» by treble
Sat Daily Record 2 pam 11th July 2010, 16:44
» by pam
mephisto 2602 2 sallyw 11th July 2010, 16:27
» by sallyw
Cryptic clue 2 grange 11th July 2010, 16:18
» by grange
SoS Crossword 1140 1 georgeg 11th July 2010, 16:15
» by terry
times 879 2 rosie 11th July 2010, 15:56
» by rosie
SoS Quick Crossword 3 georgeg 11th July 2010, 15:43
» by terry
SoS Quick Crossword 2 georgeg 11th July 2010, 15:37
» by ajh
Belfast Telegraph 2 barns 11th July 2010, 15:36
» by ajh
Times 879 cryptic 5 jo 11th July 2010, 15:27
» by ajh
Sunday Herald Prize Xword - last one! 2 jaybee 11th July 2010, 15:04
» by jaybee
Cryptic 879 5 francis 11th July 2010, 14:32
» by francis
Mephisto 2602 6 crumbs 11th July 2010, 14:05
» by crumbs
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