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Telegraph Quickie 12th July 4 dandelion 12th July 2010, 15:20
» by dandelion
Wee Stinker 1 jnty 12th July 2010, 15:03
» by chrisg
problem with MoS Mag. C/W No; 1186 1 gagalumdanbaticallyingratorius 12th July 2010, 14:59
» by chrisg
S.Express £1000 crossword 5 mary pickering 12th July 2010, 14:19
» by chrisg
Times 24586 4 magmac 12th July 2010, 14:11
» by magmac
Wee Stinker 3 sue 12th July 2010, 13:55
» by sue
Jumbo cryptic 879 3 val 12th July 2010, 13:18
» by val
times 4389 2 ron 12th July 2010, 12:59
» by ron
wee stinker 2 norm 12th July 2010, 12:32
» by norm
FT 13,435 9 silly boy 12th July 2010, 12:27
» by trevor
news of the world 1 pam 12th July 2010, 12:16
» by pam
Wee Stinker 4 baffled 12th July 2010, 11:17
» by baffled
film dingbats 10 dairybox 12th July 2010, 10:46
» by squizball
everyman 3328 6 bert 12th July 2010, 10:42
» by esme dobson
Independent 7405 5 xwordman 12th July 2010, 09:46
» by jane5
Bird Quiz 176 terry 12th July 2010, 07:07
» by kookaburra
Sat times 24.586 4 april 11th July 2010, 23:33
» by manxman
MOS 1,186 2 rabbit 11th July 2010, 23:31
» by rabbit
Sunday Life 5 ravel 11th July 2010, 23:02
» by jimc
Sports and Games (indoors and Outdoors) 7 beverley 11th July 2010, 23:00
» by terry
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