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times 24592 5 john 17th July 2010, 23:59
» by helena
Local cryptic 6 breeza 17th July 2010, 23:28
» by bigd
Cryptic 880 5 francis 17th July 2010, 23:09
» by bluemmon2
D R Sat big one 3 gran 17th July 2010, 23:06
» by gran
DR £500 8 ann 17th July 2010, 22:22
» by ann
Times jumbo 880 2 harry 17th July 2010, 21:31
» by harry
DT 26,295 27a 3 chris 17th July 2010, 20:49
» by marion
crossword 3 redford 17th July 2010, 20:45
» by suziem
Cryptic puzzle 2 richard 17th July 2010, 20:36
» by richard
Cryptic clue 3 lucy 17th July 2010, 20:07
» by lucy
DTGK 3 dandelion 17th July 2010, 19:58
» by dandelion
tel 26295 4 kim 17th July 2010, 19:55
» by kim
UK & European towns/cities - local quiz 3 matt 17th July 2010, 19:26
» by matt
times jumbo 880 2 helpme 17th July 2010, 19:07
» by kev
Times Cryptic 880 4 jo 17th July 2010, 18:44
» by jo
Sat Times 24592 7 anne 17th July 2010, 18:12
» by ajt
Answers are Farm related 8 chuckle 17th July 2010, 17:24
» by chuckle
DT 26,295 3 pat 17th July 2010, 17:06
» by pat
Swansea Post Cryptic 6 colin (swansea jack) 17th July 2010, 16:41
» by suki
times jumbo crossword 880 17/10/10 4 john donovan 17th July 2010, 15:27
» by john donovan
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