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film dingbats 10 billie 16th July 2010, 16:39
» by quizaddict
local cryptic crossword 2 mollie 16th July 2010, 15:58
» by mollie
times cryptic 24591 4 sallyw 16th July 2010, 15:45
» by sallyw
d.mail 6 geedee 16th July 2010, 15:31
» by geedee
QFC Sports and Leisure Quiz 2010 55 fred 16th July 2010, 14:49
» by fred
times cryptic 24591 2 sallyw 16th July 2010, 14:17
» by sallyw
Rare and endangered Animals 13 simone 16th July 2010, 13:21
» by mistley
RTE No.29 4 cazzy 16th July 2010, 10:51
» by crypto
Tues D.R. xword 3 gran 16th July 2010, 10:34
» by gran
whoever you are i hope you can sleep at night 6 sue 16th July 2010, 09:36
» by x
daily mail 16.7 2 marilyn 16th July 2010, 09:35
» by marilyn
8 down, Del Boy nearly ruined taking in northern fair. 2 daily mail 13757 16th July 2010, 09:17
» by dave
Guardian Genius 64 ajt 16th July 2010, 08:02
» by fingerbib
Times Cryptic 879 7 jean 16th July 2010, 02:48
» by lapstealer
New charity quiz available 'On the box' proceeds to Magpas 2 quizmouse 16th July 2010, 00:07
» by coral
no 1 sue 15th July 2010, 23:33
» by sue
i dont typeit 1 sue 15th July 2010, 23:31
» by sue
idont 1 sue 15th July 2010, 23:29
» by sue
thats not me 1 sue 15th July 2010, 23:27
» by sue
what stylaxlawyer 1 sue 15th July 2010, 23:25
» by sue
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