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local newspaper cryptic 4 ben 20th July 2010, 11:19
» by ben
times jumbo 877 6 muggins 20th July 2010, 10:31
» by michael
Times Jumbo 877 5 pap 20th July 2010, 10:22
» by michael
Explanation please 9 colin (swansea jack) 20th July 2010, 08:02
» by colin (swansea jack)
Spectator 1973 6 toalisi 20th July 2010, 02:44
» by bathtub
Sunday Mail Mag 2 brenda shields 19th July 2010, 21:37
» by brenda shields
Sunday post 1 jane 19th July 2010, 19:47
» by terry
times jumbo 880 2 ruthie 19th July 2010, 19:44
» by april
Sunday post 2 jane 19th July 2010, 19:30
» by caravaggio
RTE GUIDE 30 2 dopey 19th July 2010, 19:23
» by suziem
Star crossword 1 paul73 19th July 2010, 19:22
» by ajt
daily record sat 2 catherine 19th July 2010, 18:34
» by colin (swansea jack)
sunday mail magazine 2 redford 19th July 2010, 18:02
» by suziem
and another... 3 isobel 19th July 2010, 17:49
» by isobel
SOLUTION NEEDED 6 isobel 19th July 2010, 17:42
» by isobel
Mephisto.. 2 brian 19th July 2010, 14:16
» by brian
D.Mail 5 suki 19th July 2010, 13:05
» by suki
wee stinker 2 jan 19th July 2010, 12:54
» by jan
Stumped Again!!! 4 dukey 19th July 2010, 12:09
» by dukey
birds 6 marge 19th July 2010, 11:59
» by marge
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